4 | Bloody Pirates

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I decided to sleep with Elizabeth tonight (we're sisters so it isn't weird) because I was bloody scared. The maid, Gretta, was getting a bed warmer to put under the blankets.

"There you go, misses. It was a trying day for you both, I'm sure."

"I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose, but I must say I wasn't entirely prepared for it." Elizabeth tells her, acting rather "posh'.

"I mean't Miss Swann being threatened by that pirate! Sounds terrifying!"

"Yes, it was very terrifying indeed." I say.

"But... the Commodore proposed! Fancy that. That's a smart match, miss, if it's not too bold to say."

"It is a smart match. He's a fine man. He's what any woman should dream of marrying." Elizabeth told her, looking sad for some reason.

"Well, that Will Turner... he's a fine man, too." Gretta told her.

"That is too bold." Elizabeth scolded the maid.

"Beggin' your pardon, miss. It was not my place." Gretta left and shut the door. We both looked at the candle next to Elizabeth. For some reason, it blew out and we were left in the dark. After a few minutes, there seemed to be a lot of cannon fire. That's very odd. Elizabeth and I run out to our balcony only to see a ship firing at Port Royal. We look down to see heaps of pirates coming through the gates. Bloody hell. We run down the stairs and hear knocking at the door. The butler is about to open it.

"Don't!" Elizabeth yells, but it's too late. A man holds a gun to the butlers head and fires. Elizabeth and I shriek and run back to our room, as we are being chased by one fat and one skinny pirate. We make it to our room and I lock the door. Elizabeth bumps into Gretta and gasps in shock.

"Miss Swanns, they've come to kidnap you." Gretta tells us.

"What?" We ask her, confused.

"You're the Governor's daughters!" Then there is loud banging at our door. Elizabeth screams. I turn to Gretta.

"They haven't seen you yet. First chance you get, run to the fort." Elizabeth and I run to another room. She grabs the bed warmer and hits the fat one over the head, knocking him out. I quickly run to my bed and pull my sword out from under it. Will taught me how to handle a sword. After I purchased one from him, without Father's knowlage.  Elizabeth tries to hit the skinny one but he catches the rod. She pulls something and all the hot embers fell on his head, then I stab him in the chest.

"No! It's hot! I'm burning! My chest!" The skinny pirate yells as we run out the door. We run downstairs only to find more dead bodies and more pirates. Skinny jumps in front of us. Once again I stab him and Elizabeth runs past him. We both run to the dining room and Elizabeth puts a candleholder on the doorknobs, attempting to hold them off a bit. Elizabeth sees some swords above the fire place and tries to pull one off. It doesn't work.

"Lizzy! It's not real! It's for decoration!" I yell as she drops it and we hide in a cupboard. While we hid, I managed to hide my sword under my lace nightgown. No one would suspect one of the Governor's daughters to possess such a weapon.

"We know you're here poppets." One of them yelled. "Come out! We promise we won't hurt you." Yeah right. "We will find you, poppets."

Elizabeth is watching them through the gap in the doors, clinging to the medallion.

"You've got something of ours and it calls to us. The gold calls to us." The fat one is looking throught the gap and sees us. "Hello, poppets."

"Parley!" We say at the same time.

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