18 | Calypso

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The next morning, every pirate ship from the Brethren were lined up, ready for battle. All we are waiting for are our opponents.

"The enemy is here! Let's take them!" Marty yelled. I looked out and saw the Flying Dutchman slowly sailing towards us out of the fog. Every pirate starts yelling and raising their weapons until we see more ships coming out of the fog. We are outnumbered by a lot. There are over thirty enemy ships.

"Abandon ship! Abandon ship!" Cotton's parrot squawked and flew away. Elizabeth is safely on the Hai Peng and I told her to stay there as the Pearl will be the first to take an opponent.

Barbossa, Jack and I take a longboat to a sand bar where we met with Jones, Beckett and Will. So, Will is the traitor.

"Ye be the cur that led these wolves to our door." Barbossa said to Will.

"Don't blame Turner. He was merely the tool of your betrayal," Beckett told him, "If you wish to see its grand architech, look to your left." Jack was on my left and I glared at him. He held his hands up.

"My hands are clean in this," Jack said and examined his hands, "Figuratively."

"My actions were my own and to my own purpose." Will told us, "Jack had nothing to do with it."

"Well spoke. Listen to the tool." Jack told me.

"Will, I've been aboard the Dutchman. I understand the burden you bear, but I fear that cause is lost. One step to Elizabeth is one step away from your father; and vice versa." I told him.

"No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it." He replied and looked at Jack.

"If Turner wasn't acting on your behalf, then how did he come to give me this?" Beckett held up Jack's compass. I rolled my eyes, so did Barbossa, "You made a deal with me, Jack, to deliver the pirates. And here they are."

"You what?!" I yelled at Jack and slapped him.

Beckett threw the compass back to Jack, "Don't be bashful. Step up. Claim your reward."

"Your debt to me is still to be satisfied." Jones told Jack who looked more nervous than before, "One hundred years in servitude aboard the Dutchman. As a start."

"That debt was paid, mate. With some help from a certain Miss Swann." Jack told him.

"So Elizabeth did have you killed?" I asked him.


"You escaped." Jones pointed out.


"I propose an exchange." I cut him off, "Will leaves with us, as he is to be married, and you can take Jack."

"Done." Will agreed.

"Undone." Jack quickly added.

"Done." Beckett finished. Barbossa looked so angry with me.

"Jack's one of the nine pirate lords, Lily. Ye have no right." Barbossa told me.

"King." I pointed out, smirking and looked at Jack.

"As you command, your nibs." He said and took his hat off.

"Blackguard!" Barbossa yelled while pulling out his sword and cut off some trinkets from Jack's hair. Jack the monkey jumped off and returned with the trinkets, "If ye have somethin' to say, I might be sayin' somethin' as well."

"First to the finish, then?" Jack asked him before he and Will exchanged places. Then Beckett stepped forward.

"Advise your Brethren: You can fight, and all of you will die. Or you can not fight, in which case only most of you will die."

The Lion and The Lamb ||| Hector Barbossa|||Where stories live. Discover now