12 | Yes

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We are sailing through snowy weather which is bloody freezing! It will take us a couple if days to get through it completely. Everyone on she ship have icicles forming on their faces and bodies. Even poor Jack the monkey, who is on Hector's shoulder.

"Over the edge, over again. Flash of green." I heard Will muttering when Hector went over to him to study the charts. "Do you care to interpret, Captain Barbossa?"

"Ever gazed upon the green flash, Master Gibbs?" He asked Gibbs who was standing behind him. Elizabeth and I sit behind them at the back of the ship, trying to warm ourselves with a blanket.

"I reckon I seen my fair share. Happens on rare occasion. The last glimpse of sunset, a green flash shoots up into tge sky. Some go their whole lives without ever seeing it. Some claim to have seen it who ain't.. And some say.."

"It signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead!" Pintel butted in. Gibbs glared at him for interrupting. "Sorry."

"Trust me, young Master Turner. It's not gettin' to the land of the dead that's the problem. It's gettin' back." Hector told Will and handed him the charts.

"Lily, may I ask you something?" Elizabeth asked me.

"What is it?"

"Do you really love Captain Barbossa?"

"Yes, I do. I understand you aren't happy with it, but I don't care for other people's opinions."

"I'm sorry I said those things, Lily. You will always be my sister, whether you love a pirate or not." She said while hugging me.

"Thanks Lizzie. I will be right back." I stood up and noticed we are sailing through massive icebergs. I walk over to Hector and wrap my arms around him, placing my head on his chest.

"Hello, Lily." He kept one hand on the rudder control thing and placed the other on my waist.

"Hello. How long until we reach warm weather?"

"Not long now, couple o' hours I'm guessin'. Lily, can I ask ye somthing?"

"If course." I replied. 

"When all this is over, would ye consider bein' my wife?" He asked nervously. Oh my god. I must be dreaming.

"I'd love to." I replied and kissed him passionately.  Unfortunately we had to pull away after a few seconds because the crew were getting suspicious. The only people that know are Will and Elizabeth.


Night had fallen and the water reflected the starry sky. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, I was lying next to Elizabeth. She got up and went to the front of the ship, seconds later Will joined her. They spoke a few words when Elizabeth came back to me.

"Still not talking to him, Lizzie?" I asked her.

"Once we rescue Jack, everything will be fine." Just then Will came running back up.

"Barbossa, ahead!" Will yelled.

"Aye, we're good and lost now."

"Lost?" I asked.

"For certain you have to be lost to find a place as can't be found. Elseways, everyone would know where it was."

"We're gaining speed." Gibbs stated. I looked to the side of the sails and saw what looks like a waterfall. Well, we're fucked.


"To stations!" Will shouted. Everyone ran to their stations. "All hands to stations!" I didn't exactly have a station so I stayed with Hector at the helm. "Rudder full. Hard aport! Gather way."

"Nay! Belay that! Let her run straight amd true!"

"You've doomed us all." Elizabeth said to Hector.

"Don't be so unkind." He replied. "You may not survive to pass this way again, and these be the last friendly words you'll hear."

We neared the end of the world and I was starting to panic, as was everyone else on the ship but Hector. He seemed to be the only calm one.

"Hard aport!" Elizabeth yelled. Will attempted to turn the rudder the other way. "Hold on!" Hector stood on the edge of the ship, holding onto a rope. I jumped up next to him and hugged him tight. He put one arm around me.

"Hold on tight, Lily." He told me softly.

"Are we going to die? Again?"

"Nay. We will survive." He replied as the ship turned around so the end of it was hanging over the edge. Then we plunged  into darkness.


A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is 754 words but I can't make it longer as it will screw up the next chapter. Have a good day/night! I love you all ❤

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