23 | HMS Providence

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"There's been a mistake," Gibbs struggled against the guards. He had been captured in London and accused of being Jack Sparrow, "It's a life sentence, not death. Life!"

Barbossa walked out of the prison carrying a rope. This place was distressing. There were dead, rotting bodies tied to posts.

"Barbossa," Gibbs sounded amazed, "Lily."

"Thank you, gentlemen," Barbossa said to the guards who let Gibbs go. He then threw the rope at him, "I trust you can tie a noose."

"That's a hard thing, forcin' a man to twist his own hangin' rope," Gibbs spat and threw the rope back.

"Ye must lie in your bed the way ye made it."

"What's happened to you two?"

"Where be Jack Sparrow?" Barbossa asked.

"He escaped," Gibbs smirked.

"I'm on a tight schedule, Gibbs. The HMS Providence sets sail at first light. If ye do not care to watch it hangin' here dead, with a mouth full of flies... speak now," Barbossa told him while Lieutenant Groves twisted the rope and tied it to the post.

"Take me with you. Any point of the compass..."

"Take you where, Gibbs? The Fountain? Aye? Is that where Jack be headed? Have ye anythin' ye can offer me, Gibbs? Anythin' at all?" Gibbs didn't say a word, "Upon me naked word, you'll not see the dawn."

Gibbs reached into his back pocket and pulled out the charts.

"Hand it over," Barbossa demanded. Gibbs was about to hand it over but instead, threw it on the ground and broke a lamp over it, setting it on fire. Bastard, "You fool!"

"Gibbs, what the bloody hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled.

"I had just enough time to study those infernal circles. Every route, every destination. All safe.. in here," Gibbs told us and pointed to his head.

"Welcome back to His Majesty's navy, Master Gibbs," Barbossa told him before we walked back to the castle.


As soon as the sun was visible on the horizon, the HMS Providence set sail to find the Fountain of Youth. If possible, Barbossa and I are planning on living forever.

"Master Gibbs, short we are a map. Perhaps you'd be so kind as to provide us an 'eading," Barbossa told Gibbs as he was dragged to the helm. Gibbs examined the map in front of him before turning back to us.

"Be a gem and pour me a gulper."

"Nay. We be privateers, not pirates, Master Gibbs. And in the King's name, we behave as such." You say it, but you don't mean it. Barbossa has a large amount of rum in his false leg.

"Aye, Captain," Gibbs said. I could tell he was annoyed.

"Be we on the proper course, Gibbs?" Barbossa asked impatiently.

"Aye, it be proper. There's your proof," Gibbs replied and pointed out at three ships.

"The Spaniard," Barbossa muttered, "All hands! Battle stations! Get to windward!" The crew ran around like mice with their tails on fire, "Harden up two points!"

"Two points!" Groves repeated as the crew ran out the cannons.

"Gunners, take posts!" Barbossa ordered as eight men grabbed the guns and prepared to shoot, "Await orders."

"Steady!" Groves yelled as the crew covered their ears, "Guns armed, awaiting orders, sir," Barbossa took the spyglass from Groves. I saw the Spanish captain looking forward. Why aren't they firing at us?

The Lion and The Lamb ||| Hector Barbossa|||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ