I sat for what felt like forever.

Finally Thomas came back in

"Alright Aza your 15 minutes are up. Do you have a different attitude?" He said turning me around.

Only 15 minutes is he crazy! He must have left me for an hour!

"Yes I do. I'm sorry for being grumpy daddy" I said giving him a hug.

"Good, I'm glad to hear. And thank you for the apology I accept." He hugged me back.

"Dinner is cooking in the oven, it will be ready in about 45 minutes. Why don't you find a toy to play with or color or something? You've watched a lot of tv this week"

I decided coloring sounded like fun. Thomas got me a tub with crayons markers color pencils stickers and stamps. The tub also had a huge stack of different activity/coloring books.

"Only mark on the paper. If you accidentally miss or something happens it'll be ok. Just tell daddy right away so we can clean it up before it stains okay?" He said setting me up at the coffee table.

I nodded yes. I was already trying to decide which activity book to start with. Thomas left and came back with his laptop and a bunch of papers. I decided tinker bell would be a good one to start with.

I started coloring, but through half way done with the page I got bored. I wanted Thomas's attention instead.

Leaving my head backward so I'm looking at him upside down I ask, "daddy what ya doin?"

Still typing away he answered, "I'm trying to get some work done sweetie. I need to update some files and such from this past week. How's the drawing coming along?"

"I'm bored with drawing. I wanna play with you" I said whining

"Oh you do? Well then daddy will play with you. Just give me about 10 minutes to finish this file okay?"

"No noww" I whined.

"Aza please don't whine. If you're a good girl and color for 10 more minutes I'll be able to get this done and play with you."

I huffed and threw myself smacking the couch. Thomas just gave me a quiet stern look before returning to his computer. I was really mad he wouldn't stop what he was doing to pay attention to me right then. Picking up a marker I decided I'd color on his coffee table. That'll teach him.

Just as I was almost finished with my picture Thomas said, "Alright baby I finished thank you for being so....what are you doing to my coffee table!?"

Ut oh. His voice scared me. "Uh it was an accident daddy" I said trying to rub the picture away. Thomas grabbed my hand.

"You just lied to me little girl. An accident would be if you slipped your hand a little and there was one little mark. This is a whole picture!" He growled angrily.

"No I thought it was paper I promise."

"Aza you just lied to me again. I know you did it on purpose. Was it because I wouldn't stop work right then and play with you?"

I just hung my head defeated and nodded yes.

"Since you lied to me about it twice that's 6 spankings. Then you can spend the rest of time before dinner in time out. If you keep up the cranky attitude you'll be having an early bed time too." Thomas said pulling me up.

A spanking. Noo. I didn't want one.

"No no spanky. I'll be good I promise." I said desperately trying to pull away.

"Aza stop this right now, unless you want bare bottom spankings." He said

I stop struggling and started crying. Thomas placed me over his lap.

"Do not try and cover yourself with your hand or wiggle away. I will have no problem locking you into place." He said before bringing his hand to my butt. It stung and I cried out ow. The other 5 came fast; tears stained my face, but it wasn't the only wet place. I felt a small pool of wetness in my panties. Did I just get turned on?

Placing me in time out once again, I heard Thomas leave the room. A moment later he came and I heard a spray bottle and then scrubbing. I guess he was cleaning my mess. Once he finished he went back into the kitchen. A few moments later the timer went off.

"Aza honey your punishment is over" He said turning my chair around. "Can you tell me why daddy spanked you and put you in time out?"

"Cause I was bad. I drew on the table and lied. And daddy doesn't like lying" I hiccuped.

"That's right. I love you baby, but your behavior was unacceptable. I hope you learned something from this."

I just nodded and hugged him.

Picking me up and kissing the side of my head he carried me into the kitchen for dinner.

Love Yourself: Little Azalea's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now