(Chapter 61) Fallen Princess

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Chapter 61

Justin’s POV

The party was great, the kids had fun and they loved their gifts, but there was still one more thing I had to do tonight and that was tell Lana and Andrew the truth about me and Ocean.

None of us adults had been drinking so we drove the kids back to my house, Jaia went home early I think because I saw her leave in her new car. I had told Ocean to bring Andrew back to my place so we could tell them there. I had the kids in the back and Lana beside me. Jonah was burying his head in Kira’s neck and Kian was just sitting smiling to himself.

We finally got back to the house, everyone went in and Ocean had just pulled up next to my car. Jonah stumbled a little as he got into the house and Kira was giggling like crazy, oh how I missed my teenage years. Kian was just trapped in some happy land; I guess it was because Jaia said yes. I knew that he was going to ask her because he had actually came to me and ask for my permission and of course I said yes because, I knew he was willing to make that commitment to her even if he was only 16.

Jonah and Kira where just about to go upstairs when I stopped them.

“No Jonah and Kira stay down here” I said, they went into the lounge and sat down together “Kian can you go and get Jaia please” I asked, he nodded and slowly made his way upstairs, I went into the lounge and found everyone sitting down but Ocean “So there something really important that you guys should all know” I sighed

“Are we not going to wait for Jaia and Kian?” Lana asked

“No Jaia already knows” I sighed again

“Well like I was saying, it’s really important and it’s going to affect this family in a big way”I took a deep breath “the truth is-“I got cut off by Kian screaming my name

“JUSTIN PLEASE COME QUCIKLY “ he screamed “OCEAN, JONAH...ITS JAIA” He cried, I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and followed him into Jaia’s room, then into her bathroom.. And I was horrified, there where popped pills and empty tubs for pill all of the floor, and Jaia was lying in the bathtub with a bottle of alcohol in her lap

“ Jaia baby” I ran over to her and tried to shake her, Kian was crying hard behind me  “Jaia Please wake up” I said as tears rolled down my cheeks “Jaia” I yelled, “Call an ambulance “ I yelled, I checked her pulse but I couldn’t find one anywhere “No Jaia, NO you can’t be, Jaia PLEASE “ I yelled, Ocean ran in and screamed, she pushed me out the way and grabbed Jaia and tried to wake her up

“Jaia Noooo “she cried “Jaia “she cried, she pulled Jaia’s head over to her chest and cradled it, Jonah ran in and froze

“What’s wrong with Jaia Mom” Jonah whimpered

“ sh...sh...She’s dead” I stuttered,

“NO she can’t be, No NO NO NO NO NO” He yelled with tears streaming down his face” JAIA PLEASE COME BACK PLEASE” he cried loudly “ Jaia “he screamed, he tried to get to her but I had to stop him “ Let me GO dad, she’s my sister” he yelled ”NOOOO” he screeched , I pulled him into a hug and he broke down right there, he cried and cried, and I cried to Kian was crying and Kira was by the door crying too, Ocean was sitting there singing to Jaia

“Kira please call the ambulance” I cried as I held my son in my arms, he was still crying

“why would she do this” Kian mumbled, he stood up and I could see he was angry he went into Jaia’s room and started to throw things around, I let go of Jonah and ran over to Kian

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