( chapter 15 )Chosen

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( chapter 15 ) Chosen 

justins pov 

" I choose ........ my career " I said looking into oceans eyes, I could feel her heartbreak I walked over to ocean " I'm sorry ocean " I tried to hug her " but she shook me off, she looked me in the eyes and all I could see was hurt and pain and hate, and confusion 

" you said you loved me"she said quietly 

" I do love you, I do I promise I do " I said trying to hold her 

" NO... NO YOU DON'T, your a liar Justin, you don't love me, you don't love anyone " she cried, she struggled out of my grip and then walked out of the room I followed her and took hold of her hand and pulled her in close and kissed her and she kissed me back but I could feel that she was hurt and in pain because of what I did, I stopped kissing her 

" I promiseI will find a way so we can be together " I said hugging her tight, she pushed me of 

" don't bother, you made your choice Justin " she cried and then she ran, I had just messed up everything, I loved her and it actually hurt me physically when I was her walk away like that, but I chose what I chose I cant do anything about it she was never going to take me back and never going to forgive me, so what was the point of going after her. that was it me and her where finished 

I felt different I felt like someone had got the moron Justin and put him back in my head, suddenly I didn't care about,love, fans or anything I just wanted to rebel, destroy, drink, smoke, everything bad I used to do came back to me, I was heartbroken once again, but she wasn't the one who hurt me, I hurt myself, I was to blame for this.

oceans pov 

ouch this hurt so much, he broke my heart, he chose fame over me, he said he loved me, he used to talked about how he would never leave me and how he would always love me, but I guess that was a lie. I though he would have chose me over it all  but no. and what was I meant to do now I was pregnant with his twin baby's, I had no where to go because my brother said I wasn't allowed back in his house, so I was pregnant and homeless, and I lost the only person I've really ever loved, although we didn't sound like we where deeply in love with each other and when we weren't arguing its was so special, those warm feeling and those random kisses he would give me in the middle of walking or meetings ect. I missed him already, missed his smile, his eyes, his lips, his arms , his body, his smell, but more importantly ,his love.

I wandered the streets of new York, I didn't know where the air port was, I was lost in new York, and just my luck it started to rain hard, but at least you couldn't see my tears, I walked trough the rain slowly, my dress was soaked and so was my hair, I found something to shelter me for a moment I pulled out my phone and texted troye 

To troye

can I come live with you ? xx

he replied 

yeah where are you ? xx

me : 

new York :( xx


why what happened ? xx

me : 

Justin dumped me ;'( xx


oh darling get yourself back in LA and come to mine forget about all your stuff we will replace it xx


okay thank you troye xx

I put my phone back in my bag and then started walking, I walked far and my feet started to hurt I didn't even no where I was going I just walked, after hours of walking I found a sign that said air port, I finally found it. I walked in and went to the desk,

" can I have a one way ticket to LA please " I said I handed them my passport, ( being with Justin meant always having to have it on you because we might have to leave the country )

"yeah " I gave her my card and I paid for the fight  and all I had to do now was wait for my plane. 

I decided to tweet 

just got dumped :(

I got some replies 



- that means the rebellious Justin back 

- what did you do bitch !!!

- I bet you cheated on him you motherfucker !! 

I tweeted again 

He really loves you beliebers, he chose you guys over me :(


- wow he really loves us 

- good you didn't deserve him, you always made him sad when you argued 

- you guys where in love what happened I want #jocean back together 

  the last one made me smile, but then I got a tweet of Justin 

@oceanG we need to talk about this like now... I still love you 

I tweeted him back 

@justinbieber enough's been said already, you made your decision

he tweeted me again 

@oceanG please you know my fans are important, let me come and get you where are you ?

I tweeted him back

@justinbieber if you fall in love again don't make any promises, you will just hurt somebody 

I put my phone away and then I heard my flight calling, it was time to go home and start a normal life,with me, my bestfirend and my babys and maybe ill be happy...


heyyyy so he chose fame over love, ouch on ocean

vote and comment please they make me happy when skyes are grey 

love kishana xxx

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