(chapter 33) Turtlefish?

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(chapter 33 ) Turtlefish?

Justin was going out with the janoskians, so I had time to go and see jaia and Jonah I phoned troye  to come and pick me up and as soon as he came he drove me back to his house and once we got there I ran in and found jaia and Jonah sitting on the floor playing with toys

"hello" I smiled tears came to my eyes as I picked up jaia and put her on my lap she cooed and gooed, troye and Andrew left me with the baby's," hello jaia I'm your mom" I cried softly I was so happy to see my baby's. Jonah crawled over to me and I managed to pick him up " hello Jonah and jaia I just want you to know even though you wont understand this, that I love you and I'm sorry that I cant be around all the time and I'm sorry you haven't met your dad yet " the tears rolled down my cheeks faster I could see Justin in Jonah and me in jaia, I hated the fact that I was away from them all I wanted was me and Justin to live happy with our children, I know Justin wanted children now but if I told him that he already had children and that he missed the birth and them growing up he would hate me and I know he would never forgive me for keeping it from it and that's why I still couldn't tell him.

" say mommy " I said I wanted them to know I was there mother 

"mo" jaia said 

"ma" Jonah cooed 

"mommy" I said holding both of there hands 

"mommy" Jonah giggled jaia just clapped her hands together and smiled 

I spent at least 3 hours sitting and looking after them but then I got a text from Justin

- hey I'm at home where are you xXx - Justin

- just on a walk ill be back soon xXx- me 

" okay bye jaia bye jonah" I said as I left them with Andrew, troye dropped me around the corner from the house and I walked to the house and Justin was sitting on the porch looking very worried, I walked up to him 

" hey baby" I smiled

" hey baby I was so worried,just in case you got lost or something " he said walking up and hugging me 

" aw Justin you don't have to be so worried I'm a big girl now, and anyway I had my phone I would have called you if I was lost " I smiled and kissed his cheek

"okay baby" he took my hand and we walk inside, Justin stayed down stairs and I went upstairs I wanted to try out the pool, I put on my white bikini and walked down the stairs and past Justin I had to say I was showing off but why not, his eyes followed me across the room as I walked and I flipped my long brown hair behind my shoulder

" testing the pool, wanna join" I said with a wink he just stared at me and bit his bottom lip 

" give me a minute" he got up and ran upstairs fast and then about a minute later he came down in his trunks and with his muscular chest, we turned the pool lights on so the water glowed and it was so pretty,I jumped in and then emerged form the water, then Justin canon-balled into the pool

"so romantic " I giggled as he swam over to me 

" oh baby we don't do romance " he said in a really manly voice, I giggled to myself he wrapped his arms around my waist

" Ocean bieber you are a turtlefish " He laughed 

" whats a turtlefish ?" I laughed 

" I really don't know it was the first thing that came to my head " he smiled 

" oh okay then, and I'm not bieber yet " I winked 

" you know that's what I prefer though" He smiled I kissed his nose and then dived under the water and soon after Justin did, he eyes where sort of squinted but he still loved hot, I smiled a big toothy smile at him then I swam off, I came above the water and I couldn't spot Justin any wear but then he grabbed my foot and dragged me under the water, I could see him laughing so as he surfaced I grabbed is trunks and pulled them off, I swam away as fast as I could and as soon as I reached the other side of the pool I got out and stood there with Justin's trunks in my hand

" hey Justin, you missing something ?" I laughed he looked at me then looked down,

"its okay this is our pool for now I can walk around naked if I please" he smirked I ran In and got his phone and called up the janoskians to come over and about 5 minutes later the arrived

"hey Justin guess who's here" I smirked

"who?" he said

" Luke , jai, Daniel,James and beau" I laughed, he jumped back into the pool as soon as I finished

" come on ocean give my shorts back" he said going bright red

" nope. you shouldn't have pulled me under the water" I giggled all of the boys walked out and started to laugh

" ocean I'm going to get you back big time" he said, then he got out of the pool hiding his parts and strolled into the house to get dressed

" you guys wait here I'm going to go see if hes okay " I laughed, I ran upstairs trying not to drop on my face, I found Justin, he was sitting on the bed with some trousers on," hey hunny" I laughed

" that was so not funny " he said going bright red

" yes it was" I laughed, I was laughing so hard that my side started to hurt

" it really wasn't, those guys are my Friends " He said looking a little annoyed I sat next to him and hugged his side

" come on it was a joke, and they do way more stupid stuff, they don't care " I smiled and kissed his cheek

" okay it was a little funny" he admitted

" I knew it and you love being naked anyway, you didn't even run into the house you strolled" I laughed

" yeah thats true " he smiled, Justin went down and I got dried up and then I got dressed into my long maxi dress, I strolled down the stairs and Justin had got the drinks out, I sat next to him and smiled

" I don't like it when you drink" I whisperer through my smile

" I promise I wont do anything stupid " He smiled and we got up and walked out side near the pool and the rest of the boys followed

" I have to say this is a pretty cool pool" beau said with a laughed

" yeah" Justin said with a big grin on his face, all of the boys started to get closer and by the time i realized what they where going to do they caught me and threw me into the pool

" oh my fucking gosh are you serious " I said climbing out of the pool, and a massive smirk appeared across my wet face I ran up to Justin and hugged him tight and then I chased around the rest of the boys and hugged them to.

They all stopped over that night and we had a whole day of fun without arguing, it showed me and Justin where getting better...


lol ;p


random shit




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