(Chapter 30)More Then The Eye Can See

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(Chapter 30) More Then The Eye Can See

Ocean POV

"Ocean do you want to go get something to eat ?" He asked me as he sat down on the sofa

" no I'm not hungry " I said quietly

" you haven't eaten since yesterday " Justin said looking at me funny he had been asking me what was wrong over this past week, because I was eating less then I usually did and I was constantly at the gym.

" I'm just not hungry Justin " I said tying to smile it out

" your not pregnant are you ?" He asked

" no I'm not pregnant, I'm just not hungry " I giggled, I was only trying to lose weight, so I could make myself have that great body that Justin would love, because sometimes when we went out I would catch him looking at skinnier girls and the were way more attractive, I guess they where the girls that he usually went for. I didn't want to tell him I was losing weight because he would lecture me and tell me that I'm fine the way I am but I no I'm not, I no that he though I was fat, I've seen the way he looks at me when I get dressed, and that's why I wanna lose it, for him so he think that I'm that hot skinny girl he fell in love with.

" okay baby but you gotta come to nandos later " he smiled he went back to tweeting and I just sat there staring at my thighs 

" I'm going to the gym " I said standing up and going to walk out of he door

" I'll come with you " he said standing up and taking my hand, I grabbed my gym bag and Justin grabbed his we walked out

" let's have a race how can get then first you take your car and I'll take mine " I smiled

" deal " he laughed he got into his white Ferrari and I got into my red one and we drove off I drove as fast as I was allowed and I just made the traffic lights and Justin got stopped by then but the he caught up and we both got stopped at the traffic light and I wound down my window and so did Justin

"I love you baby " I shouted

" I love you to " He laughed and then we both started driving and I got to the gym first, I got out and waited and about five minutes later Justin appeared

"Hey how did you get here first" he laughed.

"Because I'm amazing " I giggled he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yeah you are amazing, to be honest I don't even no why you go to the gym, your body's perfect" he smiled I looked down at my hand and fiddled with my ring and tired to put on a smile.

" I just want to stay fit I guess " I smiled 

" Okay baby" he laughed, the thing about Justin was when I tried to hide something it usually worked because he never noticed the changes to my body, like when I was pregnant I was really fat and I put on load of weight and he didn't really notice, but that was die to the fact that I was really small for someone with twins.

Justin took my hand and we walked into the gym with our gym bags.


I had my tight gym shorts and a gym bra on and I walked over to the tread mill and I could just see Justin at the weights and as he sat there he was staring at this really skinny girl with a big ass and big boobs, this made me want to work harder, I placed my earphone in and turned up my music and started to run, as I ran I stared at Justin who was still looking at that girl, and it made me feel sick, so I stopped running and went over to the sit ups station, and I started to do sit ups I was meant to take breaks in between but, I was just going for it no stopping, after the sit ups I went to do weight squats and I did 200 and once I was done I was going to do the stepping machines. As I walked over to the next thing Justin walked over to me.

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