(chapter 27) Hidden Smile

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(chapter 27) Hidden Smile


Oceans POV

I walked up to the door and knocked the door and waited, the door opened and it made me jump a little 

" OCEAN" troye shouted he hugged me and he seemed so happy to see me, his boyfriend stood behind him and smiled

"hey ocean " he smiled I walked in and put my suit case down " you want to see the baby's " he smiled

" yeah I've missed them so much" I said with a smile, they led me into a room were there where 2 cots, one with blue bedding and one with pink bedding, I walked over to Jonah's cot and picked him up and then the tears came flooding, this was one of my baby's and they where mine and I gave them to someone else to look after while I went and sorted out my relationship with my pop star boyfriend, I was missing out on the parts that were kinda important although troye always updated me while I  was in LA.

Jonah looked just like his dad did when he was a baby, he was such a cute baby well they both were.I gave him to troye and then I picked up jaia and she looked just like me but with her dads eyes and I guess her brother looked like Justin but with my eyes. my children were perfect and i cant believe that they came from me and justin, it was just unbelieveable.

2 weeks later 

" troye I'm going to the hair dressers, to get my hair dip dyed blonde, please come with me " I said pulling a puppy dog face 

" okay " he said we left the kids in the care of Andrew and me and troye went to hairdressers, I sat in the chair and troye sat in the other chair so we could talk

"so how are things with you and Justin" he asked " you haven't phoned him or anything the whole time you've been here" he said looking puzzled 

"well things went okay, until he disappeared  for 5 days and ignored me  when i texted and called him and when he finally came back he decided to argue with me but then we made up, then his ex girlfriend came back witch is also ,my brothers ex girlfriend and well she said on those days that Justin had disappeared for that he  was with her and well you know sleeping with her, obviously Justin deny's it but I don't know what to think anymore troye, so over the past 2 days before  came here we were arguing like non stop " I said 

" oh wow so he cheated on you ?" troye said looking shocked and the hairdresser looked shocked to 

" that's the thing I have no idea because hes hurt me before and I don't know if he would do it again, I want to believe him but its hard when I've been hurt so many times before, and well I have to choose weather I want to be with him or not and its going to be really hard troye " I said she she started to do my hair 

" Well if there is no proof that he did cheat then maybe you should stay with him because I know you to love each other and you are going to have to tell him about you know " he said giving me the eye brows 

" I don't know troye, I don't want to be hurt again " I said looking down to my phone, Justin had texted me 

- ocean hope your okay..missing you so much and I love you, hope we can make things better love Justin xx-Justin 

and then another text from him 

- I'm gonna call you xx- Justin 

my phone started ringing 

"who's that ?" troye asked 

"Justin" I said I answered the phone 

- hey ocean - he said his voice sounded sad and scratchy like he hadn't been sleeping 

-hey Justin- 

- so how are you doing - he said 

-I'm fine - 

-good so hows the family ?- he asked as he did I heard jazzy in the background shouting my name 

- good and put it on loud speaker- I smiled as he put it on

-hey ocean, when are you coming back - jazzy said in her adorable voice 

- I...I don't know jazzy, but I miss you and jaxson very much- 

-what about Justin, he misses you loads he tells me everyday - she giggled

- dose he, that's sweet- 

-I'm gonna go play now byeee- she said and then Justin came back on 

- so you don't miss me - he said sounding quite upset 

- well I don't know if I do or not because I'm feel lonely without you but in a way I'm glad I'm away because there's no arguing and no fighting-

- we can sort that out ocean and I know about my ADHD is bad but I can get medication, but remember you have it to so, that's why arguments are hard between us- he said 

- I have to go justin bye -

-okay bye I love you - he said 

- I...I...love you to- I said but why was it so hard to say it back now 

I sat back in the chair as the hairdresser did my hair, I was meant to be going back to LA in a weeks time and I didn't know weather I wanted to stay here or go home yet, I didn't want to go back to all the arguing and I know he could get it all sorted out but I didn't want him on all those pills just to make my life easier. If I didn't go back then me and him were over forever, but the thing is maybe it would be better if we went together, because maybe life would be easier and maybe I might not have to tell him about his kids, all I know is that I didnt know what I wanted to do.

(oceans hair in the picture thingy )

Justins POV 


I didnt know if ocean was comming back, and it was driveing me crazy, I couldnt sleep or eat, she had this hold on my heart, I gave her all of my heart and I felt like she was throwing it around, but maybe that was how she felt aswell.

I got my phone and texted miley 

- I need weed ASAP!!!-

- when your ready come and get it LOL- miley 

I grabbed my coat and my wallet and ran out of the house to mileys, once I got theier I knocked the door and she opened it, I followed her in and she sat down and I sat next to her 

" I shouldnt be giveing you this, becasue I know what you did to my ocean" she said rasin a eyebrow

" I didnt do anything miley, you know how much I love her " I said ruffling my hair 

" how many do you want ?" she asked me opening her case 

" how many you got ?" I smiled 

" 40" she smiled 

" where did you get it alll from?" I asked 

" I know a guy " she giggled 

" I'll have 20 then, how much do you want for them" I said 

" nothing we are pals there free " she smiled

" thanks " I got up and hugged her and then left, but I didnt go home, I went to the beach and I lit one up and I sat there and watch the waves, I knew smokeing this was wrong but it made me feel good for a little while and I know I stopped for ocean but she was causeing me to want to do it again. maybe I would turn into the old justin but I didnt care anymore, she wasnt the same ocean 

nothing was the same...


I dont feel like this book is going anywear so if you have any suggestions or ideas message me or leave in the comments

vote and comment 

love me xxxxx

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