V.S Falkner (This one is really short, I'm so sorry)

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I'm sorry this took so long to update. I got sick with mono. I'm still really sick, but I don't want you guys and girls to wait too long. Ok, so now I need your opinions. In Unova some real shit's gonna happen, same with all the other regions: Johto, Sinnoh, Kalos, Alola. Except for Hoenn. I don't really have an important subject for Hoenn unlike the other regions. I don't want it to be like a filler region, so should I add it to my story or should I skip it? Give me reasons to why I shouldn't.  Oh my Helix. Already 20k... Damn... K you'll get your surprise soon, I promise. Also... OMH SEASON 2 EPISODE 1 OF ANDI MACK!!!! I CRIED! MY SHIPPING MIGHT HAPPEN! I'M SO HAPPY! IT'S A DISNEY SHOW! DISNEY! ...Ok I should calm down. I'm sorry... so sorry this took so long. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. YET!

Ash stands in front of Falkner's gym with Misty and Brock standing next to him.
N left saying he had important stuff to take care of, so now it's  just them.

Ash opens the door of the gym and looks around.
  'Flying type...this should be easy,' Ash thinks, looking over to Pikachu.

Falkner introduces himself, and Ash nods.

Falkner sends out hoothoot, and Ash sends out Pikachu.
Hoothoot goes to use peck, but Pikachu dodges and uses thunderbolt.
Hoothoot faints, and Falkner sends out dodrio.
Dodrio hits Pikachu with a drill peck and dodges the thunderbolt.
Falkner smirks and commands dodrio to use tri-attack.
Pikachu jumps on dodrio's head making dodrio flinch. He jumps off dodrio and into the air before finishing dodrio off with thunder.
Last was pidgeot.
Pidgeot flies up.
Pikachu jumps off the ground and uses agility before turning it into a volt tackle. It hits pideot head-on and pideot faints.
Falkner returns pidgeot before walking over to Ash.
  "Here you go," Falkner smiles, "Champion." Ash's eyes widen.
How did he...?
"I can tell by your battle style that you're the champion." Falkner explains while Ash takes the badge.

OMH I'm sorry. This one was extremely short. This is the only chapter that will ever be this short. The reason it was this short is because Falkner is easy to defeat and because I'm sick :\

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