Charmander the stray pokemon

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I'm back from the dead!!! My old phone broke and I had to buy a new one but now I'm back! So let's start the chapter! Disclaimer-I don't own Pokémon

Japanese (first one)

"We've been looking for Vermilion City for 10 whole days!" Misty whines.

"Um, Misty there's a bug right on your leg," Brock informs.

"AAH! Get it away!" Misty freaks out.

"Oh it was just a piece of grass," Brock laughs.

Misty kicks Brock in the face.


Ash picks up the map.

"Um, it says on the map that route 24 leads to Vermilion City," Ash says pointing to the map.

"Does this trail take us to route 24?" Misty questions.

"I think so," answers Ash.

"All right! Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Misty smiles.

Misty starts walking but stops when she sees a big shadow.

"Huh?" Misty looks up.

"It looks like a giant pokemon," comments Ash.

They all walk closer and notice its a charmander sitting on a rock.

"Its a charmander," Brock informs.

"You don't say," replies Misty.

"Char," says Charmander.

"It looks like he's in bad shape..." Ash frowns.

"Let's catch it, and we'll take it to the pokemon center," suggests Brock.

"Him," corrects Ash.

"I'll catch it!"  Misty says as she takes out a pokeball.

"Him..." Ash rolls his eyes.

Misty throws the pokeball, but charmander hits it back.

"Huh?" Misty and Brock question.

"Well, if it can hit back the pokeball it must be healthy. Maybe I should battle it with my water pokemon," Misty shrugs.

"Him..." Ash groans.

"ALRIGHT! I GET IT! CHARMANDER IS A HE!" Misty yells at Ash.

"Hold on, guys. Take a look at the flame on charmander's tail," Brock stops the fight.

"Tired..." Charmander grimaces.

"There's no way it could still have the strength to battle. Misty, try the pokeball one more time," Brock commands.

"All right. Go pokeba-"

"Wait. Don't throw the pokeball at Charmander. Pikachu, can you go up and talk to Charmander," Ash interrupts Misty.

"Ok!" Pikachu climbs up the rock.

"Hi! I'm Pikachu. Why won't you get in the pokeball?" Pikachu frowns.

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