Here comes the squirtle squad

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I'm still alive!!! Random question: What is your favorite pokemon?
Disclaimer- I don't own pokemon. Now on with the chapter!
"Hi"-normal speech
"Hi"-pokemon speech

Japanese (1st one)

Ash and his friends continue to walk to the next city when Misty falls into a pit.

"Ow... What's with all these holes?!" Yells Misty.

"This is the 5th one you fell into..." Brock sweat drops.

"Who keeps putting these here?" Asks Ash.

Misty looks up and sees 5 squirtle laughing at her.

"What's so funny?!" Misty growls.

"That's a dangerous joke. Someone could get hurt!" Ash scolds.

Misty gets out of the pit with the help of Brock, and the squirtle continue to laugh. Pikachu thunderbolts one of the squirtle causing it to faint. The leader glares at Pikachu before running away with the rest of the squirtle. Officer Jenny rides over to them on her motorcycle.

"Are you guys alright? Has anyone been hurt here?" Asks Officer Jenny.


"That pokemon gang calls themselves the Squirtle Squad," informs Officer Jenny.

"The Squirtle Squad?" Misty repeats.

"They don't have a trainer, so they just run wild and play tricks on the whole town," explains Officer Jenny, "it's really kinda sad because if they had somebody to care about them; they wouldn't have turned out to be as bad as they are. It's a real shame."


Team Rocket spies on Ash and the others while discussing about how they will steal Pikachu. Then they start fighting about what they are gonna eat, but the whole fight gets interrupted by Jessie's stomach growling. Jessie takes out a picnic basket before they realize that they are surrounded by a bunch of squirtle.

"You got a problem?" Asks Jessie.

"Give us your food," demands the leader.

Meowth translates what squirtle said to Jessie. Jessie and James get ready to fight but when they took a step forward they fell in a pit. The squirtle tie them up and feed on their food.

"You squirtle, how would you like to do a little job for us?" Asks Jessie.

The squirtle stop eating and look at Jessie.

"There are these three kids with a Pikachu. Our boss would be most appreciative if you help us catch it," Jessie informs.

"Squirtle says, 'forget it. We know humans can't be trusted'," translates Meowth.

"So make them trust us!" James commands.

"Hmm that won't be easy but I'll see what I can do," says Meowth before turning his head toward the squirtle, "Squirtle, both of these humans belong to Meowth. I train them, but they're pretty stupid," Meowth lies.

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