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Ok I'm done celebrating I promise....

Ash wakes up from his sleep and looks up at Gary.

"I see you're finally awake," Gary smirks.

   Gary chuckles and stretches.

"We should probably get up. We have a lot of training to do today," Gary sighs.

Ash nods, and they both get up.

Ash goes to change but notices there were 4 missed calls on his pokewatch and frowns.

     His mum had called him 4 times...

      He sighs and calls her. It rings 3 times before it gets picked up.


      "Hi, Mum..."

       "Ashton!" Mew cries, "I'm so sorry! I was just so scared for you! I got mad because you scared me so badly! I'm so sorry! I'm such a terrible mum!"

      "Mum, it's Okay. I knew you were just worried. It's my fault for not going home first," Ash frowns.
     Mew lets out a choked sob on the other end, "I-I wish I was a better human mum! I can't even raise two humans without raising them like pokemon!"

     "Mum,...please don't cry... You're an amazing mum, you're just used to raising pokemon."

     "You're such a sweet kid. I'm so happy to have you and your sister," She sniffles, "I love you"

      "Love you too."

  The call ends, and Ash gets changed. They run down the stairs with Pikachu and Squirtle running behind them. Misty, Oak, and the others all say a "good morning" before turning back to what they're doing.

Gary gets some cereal and pours the milk in BEFORE pouring in the cereal *le gasp O.o*, before sitting at the table.

"Dammit, zorua, just give me the fucking butter!" growls N.

"No! Eat your bread without your butter!" Yells zorua.

N tackles zorua onto the floor and they fight for the butter. Prof. Oak reenters the room and yells "break it up, you two!"

The two stop fighting, and N happily spreads the butter on his bread.

After finishing breakfast, Ash, Gary, and the others leave the lab for training.

When walking outside they see a line of everyone from town except for them and Professor Oak.

"Where are you all going?" Misty asks.

"To the beach, cutie," A guy about her age winks.

"Um...thanks?" Misty nervously thanks.

"Everyone in town is going," a lady says looking over to Ash, "except for you."

"Why not Ash?" Misty questions.

"Because HE is NOT welcome," another girl explains, glaring at Ash.

Misty and Brock frown.

"What do you mean by that?" N glares.

"You guys can go," Ash sadly smiles, ending the conversation.

Misty and Brock look at him while N and Zorua get in line.

"Ash..." Misty frowns.

"I'll be fine, Misty," Ash reassures.

Misty smiles, and they get in line to leave with N, zorua, and Gary.

"Bye, loser," Gary waves.

Ash lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes.

"C'mon, Pikachu we should get training," Ash says.

"Where are we going to train?" asks Pikachu.

"It might be dangerous..." Ash informs.

Pikachu follows Ash's gaze and realizes what he means...Mt. Silver.

Time Skip: At Mt. Silver

Ash sends out all 11 of his pokemon. (Prof. Oak made it so Ash can carry up to 12 pokemon, but he can only use up to 6 in battle)

"Ok, we're going to use our powers to climb up Mt. Silver and then we will continue training until you reach at least level 85," Ash informs.

They all nod.

What Ash doesn't notice is a teenager with maroon colored eyes watching him.

Time Skip: After training

Ash and Pikachu walk back to Pallet Town and in his house. The house was nice, there was a living room, and a kitchen/ dining room and upstairs was a bathroom, Ash's room , Molly's room, and in the attic, Mew's room.

They walk in Ash's room.

Ash smiles, "haven't been here in a while."

Pikachu looks around.

His room was small and there wasn't a lot of stuff in it. Just a bed, dresser, a few books, and 2 pokedolls. Ash's smile fades and turns into a frown as he remembers the memories he had in the house. They weren't the nicest memories... however some were

Memories flow through Ash's mind and tears form in his eyes. He quickly blinks away the tears and smiles.

"Want to go for a walk, Pikachu?" Ash questions.

When there was no reply from Pikachu Ash turned around to see what Pikachu was doing. He was looking at a first aid kit, eyes widen, but Ash knew he wasn't looking at the first aid kit, he was looking at the dried blood stains on the kit.

Ash freezes in place but quickly unfreezes and gently nudges the kit back under the bed with his foot.

"Ash..." Pikachu starts.

Tears start to form in Ash's eyes, and he picks pikachu up, holding him tightly to his chest.

The next few days were similar to this, train until level 90, then 95, and finally 100. After that they started making up strategies . They studied. They would pretend they were at the league and would fight each round, 4 beginning , top 16, top 8, top 4, top 2. Some days they would take days off. It was like this for months until it was finally time for the league...

Ok I know this one was short, it was just a filler, the next one will be the league. I hope you guys enjoyed this one I tried to make it long.

Vote, comment, follow.

Word count: 828

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