Back To Pallet

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I don't really have anything to say so I'll just start the chapter. Disclaimer- I don't own Pokemon.

After getting all 8 gym badges, Ash and the others decide to go back to Ash's home town, Pallet Town, but Ash doesn't seem to excited.

"Come on, Ash. Hurry up! The faster we walk the faster we'll get to Pallet Town," Misty informs.

Ash frowns and slows his pace even more. Misty growls and grabs Ash by the wrist and runs towards Pallet Town forcing Ash to run too.

Ash cringes at Misty's tight grip on his wrist.


After a short time of running they make it to Pallet Town, and Misty lets go of Ash's wrist. Ash is too worried to notice she let go.

They start to enter Pallet Town except for Ash whom is frozen in place.

  Misty, realizing Ash wasn't with them, turns around and approaches Ash. She grabs Ash by the wrist, and Ash screams out.

"No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please! No!" Ash cries out in fear.

"Ash! Calm down it's just me, Misty," Misty tries to calm Ash down, but it doesn't work,

"Brock! N! Something's wrong with Ash!"

Brock, N, and Pikachu run over to Misty.

Misty steps back as Brock approaches Ash. He hugs Ash despite Ash's protests and Ash eventually calms down.

  "Ash, it's just me, Brock," Brock whispers.

Ash fully calms down and Brock releases him. They continue to enter Pallet Town, and Ash asks if they can go to Prof. Oak's place first.


"Oh, Ash, it's great to see you! It just so happens you're not the only pokemon trainer to stop by today," welcomes Prof. Oak as he leads them into a room.

Gary looks up from his tea and smirks.

  "Well now.I'm not surprised you showed up late, I'm surprised you showed up at all," Gary shrugs.

  Ash rolls his eyes.

"Hey, calm down you two. Why can't Pallet's two top pokemon trainers get a long," Oak sighs.

"Top trainer? Not him!" Gary yells as he points to Ash.

Krabby releases himself from his pokeball and sits on Ash's lap.

  "Hey, krabby," Ash smiles and pets krabby.

Oak explains how they're the two top trainers of Pallet.

   "Ash can try but I can still beat him with my two hands tied behind my back. I'm not saying you're a bad trainer, Ash, I'm just saying you don't have what it takes to beat me," Gary gets up from his seat and laughs.

   Ash ignores him and runs out the door with Pikachu and krabby following him.

"Where is he going?" Misty asks.

   "I'll show you. I bet I know where he is," Gary smirks.

     He walks outside with the others following him.

    They walk over to a field and enter through the gate and just like Gary thought, there was Ash sitting under a tree with a bunch of pokemon around him.

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