Mystery at the Lighthouse

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I never really liked this episode but I'm gonna write it anyways. I can't wait to write the next chapter!
Random question #2: What is your favorite pokemon generation?
Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon ;-;

Japanese (1st one)

"Have we gotten lost again?" Asks Misty.

"I think," answers Brock.

"Oh well," Pikachu shrugs.

Ash runs out of the woods and ends up finding a beach.

"Wow!" Exclaims Ash.

Ash spots a krabby walking on the beach so he walks up to it.

"Hi," Ash smiles.

"You can speak pokemon?!" Shouts krabby.

"Is it that weird for a human to be able to speak pokemon?" Questions Ash.

"Yeah," answers krabby.

"Oh... well do you want to be my friend?" Asks
Ash as he holds out a pokeball.

"Fine with me," answers krabby before going into the pokeball.

Ash picks up the pokeball and cheers, "I made a new friend!"

The pokeball starts to get engulfed by a bright light and then disappears.

"Huh? Oh, that's right. I can only keep up to 6 pokemon..." Ash frowns.

Misty and Brock walk up to Ash.

"Your pokemon will get transferred over to where you got your starter pokemon," Misty chimes in.

"So that means he's with Professor Oak. Now I'm worried," Ash sighs,"is there any phone around where I can check if krabby is ok?"

"I've seen none so far..." answers Brock.

"Look. Look!" Pikachu points.

Ash looks to where Pikachu is pointing to.

"There's a lighthouse!" Ash exclaims.

"Every lighthouse has to have a keeper, and he must have a phone," says Brock.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Cheers Misty.


They get to the lighthouse, and Ash rings the doorbell.

"Who's there?" Someone asks from the speaker.

"Um excuse me, sir, but we're travelers and we're lost," says Brock.

"We were wondering if you would let us use your phone," Ash chimes in.

"And we've been camping out for quite a while, we really would appreciate a nice, comfy bed," Misty adds.

"And I was wondering if I could borrow your grill to make some bacon double cheeseburgers and would be more than happy to cook one for you," offers Brock. (Dammit! Now I'm hungry!)

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