The Elite Four

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I'm still alive!!!!! The battles are like the ones in the games, that's why they seem so overpowered. Mewtwo is like how he is in the anime, overpowered. Disclaimer- I don't own pokemon. Seriously is there actually someone out there who thinks I do?!

"YAS! We're finally out of victory road!" Misty cheers.

Brock lets out a sigh of relief and puts away his repels.

They enter the elite four building, and Ash walks over to the shop, stocking up on revives and potions.

Ash pushes open the door and enters the first elite four room.

"Hello, I'm Lorelei, the first of the elite. I specialize in ice types. We will each use up to 5 pokemon. Go, Dewgong," Lorelei introduces.

"I choose you," Ash calmly says.

Mewtwo appears and Lorelei's eyes widen.

"What is that?" Lorelei asks.

"Mewtwo," Ash smiles, "aura sphere."

Mewtwo uses aura sphere on dewgong, and he faints.

Lorelei stands in amazement.

"He defeated my first pokemon so easily... like it was nothing. This kid is strong. I choose you, cloyster," Lorelei mumbles.

Lorelei orders cloyster to use hydro pump and mewtwo dodges it.

"Hit him with an aura sphere while he recharges!" Ash commands.

The move hits cloyster and knocks him out. Lorelei sends out slowbro, and Ash returns mewtwo before sending out beedrill.

"Twineedle," Ash orders.

The move hits, and slowbro ends up on half health. Slowbro uses water pulse and knocks beedrill just above yellow. Beedrill uses twineedle again and slowbrow faints.

   She sends out jinx and Ash sends out charizard. Charizard uses blast burn and knocks out jinx. Lorelei sends out lapras, her last pokemon, and Ash sends out mewtwo. Mewtwo uses aura sphere and lapras faints. Lorelei's eyes widen and the door opens. Ash simply returns mewtwo and walks out the door followed by Misty and the others.


Next was Bruno, once again it was an easy win for Ash.

First he sent out blastoise against onix, the move surf and a hydro pump knocked him out. Against hitmonchan was clefable, 1 dazzling gleam was all it took to win that mach.

After that was hitmonlee against clefable. With 2 moonblasts, Ash won the mach.

Then was another onix, blastoise defeated him by using surf 3 times.

Last was machamp, 2 dazzling gleams took him out.

" is Agatha...good luck," Bruno explained, stunned.

Ash nodded and went to the next room. Bruno could here a little bit of their conversation through the walls.


"I'm Agatha, I'm the 3rd elite four. Ghost type is my specialty," Agatha informs.

Ash nods. Ash sent out Mewtwo and destroys her team. Last was her gengar. Mewtwo was on yellow. Mewtwo went first, attacking gengar with psychic. He was on half. Gengar uses dark pulse and knocks mewtwo on red hp. Mewtwo finished the fight with psychic. Agatha returns her pokemon and nods.

"Good luck against Lance. Hmm~ you remind me of Red, you both are very strong. Who knows, you might even defeat Red. Well go on now, Lance is waiting," Agatha smiles.

Ash politely bows his head and walks to the next room.


"So you made it this far. Let's see if you can win. Gyarados," Lance smirks.

Ash nods at Pikachu.

Pikachu uses thunder and knocks gyarados on red hp. Gyarados uses water gun but does barely any damage. Lance uses a full restore (MOTHER FU-) and pikachu uses thunder bolt , now gyarados was on yellow hp. Pikachu uses thunder and gyarados faints.

Lance sends out dragonair and Ash sends out dragonite. Dragonite uses draco meteor and dragonair faints.

The same happened with Lance's other dragonair.

Lance then sent out aerodactyl, and Ash returned dragonite and sent out blastoise. Aerodactyl uses thunder fang. Blastoise uses hydro pump but it misses. Blastoise dodges another thunder fang and hits aerodactyl with a hydro canon. Aerodactyl faints, and Ash sends dragonite out against Lance's dragonite. It was a quick battle since Ash's dragonite was higher leveled than Lance's.

Lance returns his dragonite and looks at Ash before approaching him.

Ash sees Lance's serious expression and mistakes it for an angry one.

Ash panics and shrinks away putting his arms in front of his face, "I'm sorry! I..."

Lance's face goes from a confused look to a frown. Misty and the others frown. Brock froze, he had many younger siblings, but none of them ever acted like this.

"I'm not mad at you. I was going to congratulate you" Lance says, returning to his serious face.

Ash slowly lowers his arms from in front of his face and looks up at Lance. Ash's eyes were also shielded with a look of seriousness. He was embarrassed with what just happened.

"Next is the champion. Please, try and bring Red down from Mt. Silver. His mum and the others are very worried about him," Lance explains.

Ash nods, "Don't worry, I will."

Time to challenge Red.

I hope you liked this chapter. It's shorter than the others but the league, elite 4, and champion chapters will probably always be shorter. Please vote and comment. You don't have to... but I would really appreciate it.

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