Going to Johto

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I'm back, bitches! Okay, next is Johto ^.^ . I'm skipping the Orange League :/ . Oh my Helix... 12k it was 10k about a week ago O.o Sorry this took so long I've been busy with school :/ Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon.

Ash hesitantly knocks on the door.

The door opens and Mew looks down at them. Ash looks down at his shoes.

  "Hi, Mum," Ash mumbles.

Mew smiles, "I heard you won the league! I'm sorry I couldn't go. You know how much I hate pokemon battles. It's painful to watch."

Ash looks up at Mew, grinning.

  "Yeah! They gave me a trophy," Ash reaches in his book-bag and pulls out a trophy, "I also got the champion badge!"

He smiles and shows her the badge before handing her the trophy.

"And you must be Ash's friends," Mew guesses.

They introduce themselves, and she nods.

She steps inside the house, signalling them to enter. They enter the house and see Molly happily eating waffles. She sees Ash and runs over, hugging him.

"Ash, you're back!" Molly cheers.

  "Hi, Molly," Ash greets.

Molly lets go and returns to where she was sitting.


After visiting Ash's mom, Ash and the others go to Prof. Oak's place.

  "Congratulations, Ash. I heard about it on the news," Prof. Oak congratulates.

  "Thanks," Ash smiles.

"Oh that reminds me. There's something I've been wanting to give you. Follow me," Prof. Oak explains.

They follow him to his lab.

He picks up an egg and hands it to Ash. Ash looks at the egg, it was black on the bottom, charcoal  in the middle, red on top, and on the middle part were red dots in a line. Ash looks up at Prof. Oak in question.

  "I want you to raise this egg. When it hatches please call me and tell me what the pokemon is," Prof. Oak says.

Ash nods. Then someone entered the lab.

"Hey, Gramps, I got the G.S ball you wanted to see," Gary calls.

He hands it to Prof. Oak.

  "Thank you, Gary," Prof. Oak thanks.

Gary turns to Ash and the others, "Oh, if it isn't Ashy-boy."

Ash rolls his eyes, "I see you haven't changed."

  "So, I heard you're the new champion. What a joke! I bet Red just felt sorry for you and went easy on you," Gary laughs.

Ash was about to say something but stops when he hears a voice coming from the G.S ball.

He runs over to Prof. Oak and grabs the G.S ball before pressing the button on the pokeball.

A blue light surrounds the pokeball and it opens. A pokemon pops out and looks up at Ash.

The pokedex beeps and Ash pulls out the pokedex.

"Riolu the emanation pokemon. The aura surrounding Riolu's body indicates its emotional state. It alters the shape of this aura to communicate," says the pokedex.

  "Woah, a shiny riolu! But it looks different from the normal shiny riolu. Instead gold and black, its gold and silver," Gary informs.

  "How did you open it with ease? Prof. Ivy tried everything!" asks Prof. Oak.

"Only the chosen one can open my pokeball," riolu turns to Ash, "So you're the chosen one. You don't look very promising."

  "Riolu is using its aura to talk to us. Outstanding!"informs Prof.Oak. 

{Damn, just reached 13k}

Ash rolls his eyes at riolu.

"Ash is actually a very strong trainer," Prof. Oak says.

Misty and Brock nod in agreement.

"Really?" Riolu asks.

They nod.

She looks Ash in the eye and reads his aura.

She frowns.

"I guess you're strong," Riolu announces.

She hands Ash the pokeball before tapping it and going inside.

"I guess I made a new friend..." Ash guesses.

"So, Ash, which region are you going to next?" Prof. Oak asks.

  "Johto," Ash answers.

Ok this one was really short, but the next one will be longer, I promise. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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