Chapter Twenty: The War

Start from the beginning

I placed a hand on Joshua's dark hair, using my other arm to pull the sleeping figure close. There had to be a way to keep him safe. I had to go with him, somehow. I just needed someone else's help to find out how to.

Pressing a kiss to the top of his head, I carefully got out of bed and left the room. It was time for a certain sister's advice.

Everything looked much more breathtaking in the dark. Or maybe it was because the light hurt my eyes. Either way, it was a lot calmer as I headed down the hall toward Amberlynn's room. I didn't bother knocking. I knew she was expecting me, as always,

"Sister dearest..." I called out. She sat up with a smile, careful not to wake Emily.

"Hello, brother."

-------THIS. IS. A. PAGE. BREAK. Joshua's POV-------

The morning sun shone into my eyes, and my immediate reaction was to get up and close the curtains. One thing I had noticed was that it was a lot brighter outside. Which probably meant there was snow on the ground. The other was that Vi had already woken up, and was not in the room. It didn't surprise me. He was an early riser.

He was going to start a war.

It was the one thing I couldn't get out of my mind. It was ridiculous. Pointless. How many of the staff were in the building? Much more than ten or fifteen, perhaps even fifty. How could he--No, how could we, as I realized he could never do this alone--Fight over fifty men? Especially considering the build on most of them. The five of us would never have a chance!

Just what was Vi planning?


A voice jumped me out of my thoughts. I whipped around, eyes like a deer in the headlights.

"Woah, calm yourself. It's just me." Amber said, arms upraised in surrender. She took a seat in the comfy chair at the corner of the room, and gestured for me to sit as well. Hesitantly I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Where's Emily?" I asked. I knew that Amber would never leave the child by herself, so I suspected she was in the room somewhere.

"Still sleeping." She replied. "But I'm not here to talk about her. I'm here to talk about something serious."

A tiny sliver of fear made it's way into my heart. Amber was never the serious type. Even when she was beating the life out of Washington, her anger always showed just a hint of amusement.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "What is it?" I asked, trying not to let emotion seep into my voice.

"Vi has told you about his plans, correct?"

I nodded. "Briefly. He said something about starting a war, right?"

Amber nodded solemnly. "Do you know the details?"

"I don't." I muttered slowly, suddenly suspicious of the redhead. "...Do you?" I added.

Amber averted her eyes. So she did know something.

"Do you?" I repeated, adding a little more force in my tone.

"Look, I'm only telling you this because I worry about you." Amber quickly looked around the room. "If Vi finds out I'm telling you this, he won't let me live it down. So I'm only gonna say this once, okay?"


"--You have to listen to every word. Trust no one."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious, Joshua--"

"--Okay, okay." I held up my left hand. "Cross my heart, I will not speak of this to anyone and I won't put it off. Happy?"

Amber giggled. And I mean, legitimately giggled.

"Very. Now listen up."



1. I've been working on this forever because of school stress keeping me back. Now it's Summer and it's about time I released something to let you all know I'm not dead.

2. I decided to release this now to be evil because I'll be on hiatus for two weeks due to a family vacation. But hey, at least I released this now rather than when I get back right? So it's not evil, but it is at the same time. Because I'm making you wait at yet another cliffhanger.



~ Alycia

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