Then the game stopped as Harry caught the Snitch.

Amanda raced at her little brother, tackling him in a hug. The Gryffindor team sank to the ground, yelling hoarsely, cheering wildly.

They received the cup. It was handed to Harry, who lifted it into the air for all to see.

The team were lifted onto the shoulders of the rest of the Gryffindors. Words failed all of them, but Amanda yelled, "OI! You lot! Let me down, I have unfinished business to attend to!"

She was let down to the ground, and before anybody could stop her, she was racing to the Slytherins.

Just before she reached them, they heard her shout, "FLINT! YOU COWARD!"

She promptly threw the first punch.

People crowded around the two teenagers as they fought. A punch hit Amanda's nose, knocking it off centre. Amanda retaliated with a punch to the shoulder and a kick in the stomach.

Suddenly, the two were separated by a shield charm. Albus walked forward, his wand holding up the shield and pointedly looked at Amanda.

She saw the damage she had done to Flint and smirked. He was laying in the ground, dry-retching, clutching his stomach.

"Amanda, I'm so pleased we won the cup, but seriously. You have a week of detentions." Minerva sighed exasperatedly.

Remus walked up to her and hugged her.

"What was that all about?" He muttered softly.

"Don't worry."

"But you have detention?"

"Worth it." She grinned.


The Ordinary Wizarding Levels were upon Amanda and her friends.

They had been doing written tests in the morning, with the theory examinations in the afternoon. On Wednesday evening, they had completed their Astronomy exams.

Amanda was pleased with what she had completed in her exams. She had been finishing the theory with time to spare. The examiners had also seemed impressed with her practical work.

As they were doing the transfiguration written exam, Amanda sat back, finished. Severus was surveying the area, not allowed to cover his own subject for the test, and noticed Amanda finished.

Suddenly, Amanda bolted upright, causing her chair to fall to the floor. The entire Hall turned to her.

Her eyes were closed, but they snapped open. The people closest to her could see that her eyes were unfocused.

"The one with padded feet will show his face again tonight...he will reveal the traitor...he will be trapped as an innocent man by the hands of the Ministry...but he will roam free once more..."  Amanda rasped.

Severus quickly wrote down what she had said on a piece of parchment, ready to keep for later.

"Detention, Miss Potter, for interrupting the exam." He said to Amanda, and she glared at him. Severus motioned for the rest of the hall to continue, and slipped the parchment into her hand as he waved his wand and the table was back in place.

Amanda sat quietly and when the exam finished, her friends rushed to her.

"What on Earth was that?" The twins asked in unison.

"I think...I think I may have made a real prediction." Amanda told them, shocked.

One of the examiners marched up to her. "We heard what happened. Do you take Divination?"

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