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Moths fluttered in Dovi's belly as he eyed the bustling Maggutton courtyard. Horses were saddled and laden with supplies. Kingsmen secured bows, long broadswords and even longer sweeping battle axes to the sides of their mounts.

Half a dozen of Blackenroot's maeges sat off to the side, lost in some deep discussion. Strange markings and tattoos climbed up their necks and across the backs of their hands. One particularly disturbing fellow had so much tattooing around his eyes, he looked more skeletal than human.

Dovi's eyes lingered on the skull face too long. The man met his gaze and pointed at him. Unabashed laughter erupted among the six. Dovi flushed deep crimson. Time to get out of the sun. He turned back towards the house. One more round of grilling Rabby wouldn't-


Dovi's head snapped around. The skeletal man motioned him over. Dovi shook his head and took a step away.

"Boy! Don't walk away from me. Get your arse over here!" he screamed. A few Kingsmen turned at the raised voice, but quickly returned to checking their gear.

Dovi sheepishly turned and scuffed over to the small group.

"Must be the runt of the litter," one scoffed. The others chuckled.

"Don't mind de-worming, do you boy? Belesarum says you got parasites. Don't worry. We'll take care of it," said a short, squat toad of a man. A wide grin flashed on his warty face.

"Watch it Tretch, you'll scare the little tyke. Don't want him pissing all over us," said a long haired, wide shouldered, narrow hipped man. They roared. Dovi's eyes found no comfortable spot to land. I can't do this. I can't do-

Another of the men, this one with four purple stars tattooed across his forehead jumped up, ran a hand in front of his crotch and said, "Micga!"

A stream of warm, musty water squirted from the man's crotch, rising to piddle all over Dovi's chest. The men howled with laughter. The one called Tretch rolled upon the ground.

"Hey, imbeciles! You out of your damn minds? Seriously? This is how we use Rhist? If I catch you wasting a single drop of Rhist again, I will personally tear your intestines out your arse and shove them down your throat." Belesarum slammed the door behind him. His eyes shone like a well-stoked fire. "One more act like that, General, and I'll burn those stars off of your face, along with every other bit of flesh on your ugly mug. Boy, go inside and wait until it's time to leave," said Belesarum, waiving a dismissive hand at Dovi.

Dovi did his best to maintain some semblance of composure, wiped his chest and ran straight for the house. Don't waste your time thinking about them. They're not worth it. Figure out how to survive.

Mac pointedly avoided Dovi and Rabby flat out refused to explain anything, saying he promised his father not to tell. Dovi was sure Falfergast wasn't a place he wanted to go, especially not with these animals protecting him. Gussie doesn't seem so bad right now.

He slipped through the kitchen, passed Mrs. Maggutton, who stood muttering to herself at the sink, and bounded up the stairs. He opened the door at the top of the stairs without knocking. Rabby glanced up, rolled his eyes, and went back to sharpening his dagger on a whetstone.

"Nice to see you too," said Dovi.

"I have nothing to tell you. You're actually starting to piss me off. Just drop it." He ran the blade across the stone one more time, checked the edge and shoved the dagger back into its sheath.

"Drop it? Really? I'm just supposed to walk blindly into this? You see those maeges? Treated me like trash. I don't like this. And what about the Prince? Did you hear anything? Did they tell your father anything?"

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