Christmas Fluff

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Christmas time: Diana and Steve getting in the Christmas spirit. Modern day.

Edit 11/20/2017: The stories get better and fluffier at the Thanksgiving chapter

Diana giggled, her lopsided Christmas hat falling from her head.

Steve smiled, placing the hat back on her head. "Diana this is going to be your best Christmas yet," he said confidently, turning around to pour marshmallows in his chocolate. "I still can't believe you've never tried hot chocolate!"

"I don't know," Diana said, mixing the cookie batter. "We didn't have a lot of sweet treats where I grew up. I wonder how my mother is spending this Christmas."

"Hey!" Steve said, sensing Diana's gloom. "It's okay! I promise you, next year you'll be spending the holiday with your family." Steve handed the drink to Diana.

Sighing, she grabbed the cup. "I know Steve. You don't have to remind me. I'm grateful to spend this year with you, it was one of the best times of my life. I love you and my family. I'm so conflicted, I can't just move countries every year."

Steve tasted the cookie dough before putting it in the oven. "You still have a year to decide what you'll do. Just, forget about your worries." Steve closed the oven door, walking back over to the counter.

He urged her to try the drink, taking a sip for himself. "When you go back home, give your family this."

Diana smiled thinly, her lips pressed together hard. "Thank you, my love." She grabbed his chin, wiping the whip cream from it. "You drink so sloppily."

She held the mug up to her lips, taking a huge whiff. It smelled great, like pure happiness. She moved the mug up higher, her tongue gently making contact with the liquid.

It was good. Better than good, it was outstanding. Diana took another sip. Even better. The chocolate melted in her mouth, it was ever so sweet. And the whip cream, gosh it was amazing. To top it all off, the marshmallows balanced everything out.

Steve laughed at her reaction. "You like it, don't you? I have an even better surprise," he said, his smile getting wider. "Have you ever seen a Christmas tree?"

"A tree for a holiday? That's kind of...Unnecessary."

Grabbing her hand, Steve led her to the living room of the small house they rented out. "I had my friend do this last night when we were out. I really wanted to suprise you."

Diana gasped, the small crystal balls hanging from the tree captured the colorful lights perfectly. "Steve it's great! Oh I love you!" She gushed, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you! I love you! I love you!"

Steve held her tightly, wrapping her into a hug. "You're amazing," he whispered into her ear. "Christmas is ten times better with you."

Diana pulled away, reaching out to touch the lights for herself. "These are so cool...What if little galaxies lived in every ball on the tree and the lights were them bursting out, only to be captured again?" She thought aloud, brushing her fingers across the lights.

Steve paused, considering this idea. "That's cool...But kind of sad, and Christmas isn't about being sad."

"Christmas music...What is it? At that restaurant, people kept screaming for them to play Christmas music. Why is this holiday so special?"

"It's baby Jesus birthday!" He exclaimed, swiping through his playlist. "Ah, here we go! This is my favorite Christmas song!"

Frowning in confusion, she sunk into the chair by the tree, placing her mug right next to her. "How many Christmas songs are there?"

'Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away. This year, to keep me from tears, I'll give it to someone special...'

Diana clapped her hands together, convinced this song was created for her and Steve. "Oh this is a love song, correct?!" Not waiting for an answer, she jumped from her chair.

Twirling around the tree, Diana landed in Steve's arms.

Steve gently swayed her, pressing her head against his heart. "Princess Diana, words cannot describe my love for you."

Diana nodded, slowly closing her eyes. "Oh why can't every day be Christmas?" She murmured happily.

Steve and Diana danced around the tree, until the song had been played at least six times. Steve's phone died out, leaving only the sound of their laughter to accompany the duo.

Steve led the dance, purposely walking in the dining room. His feet carried the two to the mistletoe.

Diana opened her mouth to ask why this object was hanging from the ceiling, but before she could get the words out Steve's mouth ment hers.

Diana shut her mouth, her eyes wide.

274 days. That was how long they'd been dating. 274 days and this was the first time Steve kissed her. 274 days of Diana hoping, even praying, for this moment, and alas it had come.

Diana shut her eyes tight, scared she would ruin the moment.

Steve kissed harder now, running his hands through her long dark hair.

Diana kissed back. Not nearly as good as Steve. She kissed lightly, shyly, scared that if she kissed harder Steve would pull away.

Steve grabbed Diana's head, pulling away from her. "Diana I am so lucky to have you..." he whispered, pushing their lips back together.

Scared out of her mind, Diana suppressed a gasp.

This moment should've been happy, yet Diana was ready to cry.

Face crumbling, Diana pushed Steve away. Running back to the kitchen, she fell on the ground in a fit of sobs.

"Diana," Steve rubbed his hands on her back, pulling her against his chest. "What's the matter?"

Diana wiped the tears away, not allowing herself to talk. Her whole body shook, and Diana buried her face in his chest.

After a moment of silence she looked up to meet his eyes. Oh those eyes. They were the color of the ocean, filled with concern. His eyes seemed to always dance with mischief, always having a new story to tell.

Diana opened her mouth slowly. "Steve I...I love you." Her voice was as light as a flute, but her words carried meaning as deep as a trombone.

"I love you too," Steve said, kissing her forehead.

"But Steve this isn't what I should be doing," Diana pushed herself up before Steve could continue kissing her. Turning around, she looked out the window. "I should be out there--Saving the world. My family is truly scared for my life right now. They're wondering if I'm dead. And all I can do is dance around and taste chocolate hot. Or hot chocolate. I'm not sure. I have to go back, my people need me."

Steve silently crept up behind Diana, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Princess, I get it. Right now you're confused, but one day everything will all be in order. It's Christmas, Christmas is the time to take a break. Hell, Ares is probably on vacation now too. Don't feel guilty for having fun, Diana. By the new year you'll be back on your island, saving the world. Let's just enjoy now, let's not try and rush things."

Diana rested her head against his arms. "Ares never takes breaks. Based on previous years, he'll probably strike even harder on Christmas. Oh Steve, if he'll help me save everyone, won't you?"

"Of course," Steve replied.

Smiling, they leaned back in each other's arms. Steve pressed their lips together, and this time, Diana didn't protest.

A/N: Sorry this one was pretty short. I'm going to be making more Christmas oneshots in the future :)

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