4/ I am Free Now \4

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Jonah's POV

I was holding her hand as we walked down the streets of San Diego. I knew my friends were having a hot box, but I couldn't take Skyler there. I would be high, and so would my friends, so I wouldn't be able to protect Sky fully, but I still REALLY wanted to go. Maybe it would take her mind off of the shot she's going through.

"Hey?" I asked my little sister

"Hi" she giggled, I could tell she was feeling all that excitement, the best part of sneaking out, you feel that adrenaline, so free, so hyped up, so happy.

"We're gonna go hangout with some of my friend ends, okay?" I asked her

"Really?" She whined

"Yeah" I sigh "They're having this really cool hot box, and I don't wanna miss it"

"What a hotbox?"

"You'll find out" I chuckled, and she nodded.

We walked three more blocks until we reached the park. She looked kind of nervous at the amount of people. I kind of was too, seeing as she was the only girl, and there were about six teenagers, not including me. She stayed behind me though.

Jay!" Someone called out and I chuckled

"Look who showed up!" Brian called out to me and we shook hands "And you brought a girl, alright"

"She's my sister" I pulled her small body in front of me and she clung to my side.

"Oh" he shrugged, "We come on man"

I followed him to where a bunch of guys were smoking blunts.

"Jonah" She whispered "Are those drugs?!"

"It's only pot" I shrugged

"I wanna go" she begged

"Come ok, if you take a few puffs, THEN we can go" I swung her hand

"Please don't make me" she whined "I'm scared"

"Just a few"

I grabbed a lighter from out of my pocket, and grabbed a spliff. I lit the tip, much like a cigaret, but full of marijuana instead of sweet nicotine. I took a long dragged and blew out the smoke like a fire breathing dragon then handed it to Sky, who was shaking vigorously, but with the chemicals in my system, I didn't really care anymore. she took a small puff and coughed it immediately, her eyes becoming a light shade of pink from the irritating smoke that surrounded us, but she finally stood still.

"You like that?" I laughed and she just groaned, so I pressed the stick back together wards her lips, and she breathed in deeply, then stumbled backward, bumping into Brian who smirked, then I just drifted off.

"Help!" The scream finally sobered me up and I ran towards the soars. I felt offal about bringing Sky here. "Help!" She shrieked again, and I had to run almost a block to find her. Mike was pressed up against her, but before I could someone ripped her off. I stood frozen for a minute while she dropped to the floor, then ran to her.

"Sky?" I pleaded, feeling tired again, not that the high vanished. "Please, speak"

"Jonah" she sobbed

"I'm so sorry, I should've never brought you here" I stroked her hair

"Damn right" she stood up and I smiled lightly, the background noice stopped and footsteps flooded toward us. I looked up and saw a tall scruffy guy.

"What the fuck is going on?" His deep, raspy, voice was full of concern

"Im an idiot, and I brought my little sister to a hot... to a hangout" I corrected myself

"Shut up" she got up, stumbling into me.

"Have you kids been smoking?" He asked, why lie, I mean he could probably smell it

"I didn't walk to" Sky pleaded "He made me, I've never done anything like this before I promise"

"I've been a teenager before, it's okay" he chuckled, and she started shaking again

"I thought it'd be good for her"

"Good? Drugs are good?" He asked

"No, she's just been... I thought it would calm her down! It calms me down" I begged "I just need to take her home, but the security alarm doesn't turn off till four"

"Just come to my house and I'll drive you kids home" he scoffed

"I can't get caught!" My little sister cried "Your so stupid Jonah!"

"If I were your mom I'd be more pissed at your brother" he groaned

I lifted her up and took off, I was too scared to get caught, we COULDN'T get caught.

"HEY!" He screamed, and I took off for the house, not stopping till we got there, and I stopped when we got to the front. I was so out of breath, and so was my sister, but not because she ran, but because she was having a panic attack. I didn't know what to do either, her inhaler was inside and phone only read three o'clock.

"Be quiet" I demanded

"I-I can't breath" she choked out, falling against the house, and top the whole thing off, the sky started pissing on us.

"Fuck" I mumbled, then unlocked the gate, entering our backyard, dragging her with me, as she begged me to get off of her. But I did only let her go, once we sat under the roof, where we were covered. She was holding her throats with tears streaming down her pink cheeks as she sobbed. I put my hand on her knee, and she choked out for me to get off.

"Deep breaths" I said calmly, watching as she choked.

"I NEED my inhaler" she pleaded, squeezing the shit out of my hand. I did know the alarm code, but mom was such a light sleeper that it was a risk. But she needed it.

"Hold on" I groaned, and unlocked the door, running for the alarm pad.

"Armed, ready to harm" it rand through the house, and Sky crawled it, then I entered the password, before it began beeping. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed her inhaler, then shoved it in her mouth and pumped it five times, what, was she gonna breath TOO well She started gasping for air and it slowed quickly.

"Lemme get a hit on that" I panted, and took a pug, then set it down, then calmly walked over and closed the door, locked it, and reset the alarm.

"I'm never" she panted "ever, trusting you again"

"Come on, lets go to bed" I picked her up and started for the stairs, but the lights flicked on and my mom started coming down, so I ran to the kitchen, set her down, and grabbed out.

"What are you kids doing?" Mom snarled

"Skyler was throwing up, I went to check on her, and thought she could use water. She kind of laid on me

"Oh" was all she said "Well it's almost two, get to bed"

"Okay" Sky grabbed her stomach to sell off the whole thing, then we all went to bed.

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