Chapter Fortynine

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"Mom Dad's bleeding." Greg said running into the kitchen. Rydel came home after a few hours of having the baby, you have up to three months to give your child a name so for now it's just the baby, I know Ellington is going crazy over it, choosing your child's name is harder then you think. You'll think of a name and then you'll think of someone you know who shares that name and then go, oh no that person was a bitch I don't like her or him. But the boys have been dying to get back onto the ice so there's a day old baby wearing a snow suit in an ice rink.

"What ?" Stormie asked as I ran out.

"We're not friends anymore. First you marry my sister then you knock her up and now this ?" Riker asked holding his side.

"I got him." I laughed as he wrapped his arm around my neck, Stormie pointed at Greg making me nod. If Greg sees Riker bleeding again like he did before he'll think it's game over and you know I can't really deal with that and look after Riker at the same time as long as everyone stays out of the kitchen it'll be fine.

"Why'd my Mom point at Greg ?" Riker asked groaning as he sat up on the side.

"To keep him out of here, last time he saw you bleeding it was-"

"I get it." Riker said half heartedly smiling.

"What happened ?" I asked lifting his shirt up over his head making him groan, tilting his head back.

"Rocky tripped me up and just as I went down Ellington tripped up and his skate when across me, I didn't even know until the ice went red, am I gonna need stitches ?" Riker asked.

"A ice skate and you're asking if you need stitches ? Have you seen the blades on those things ? They didn't use no fucking knives in the Blade movies they used ice skates and put a handle on the end of it." I said making him laugh, he sighed covering it with his hand.

"I want to do something and I know you'll be angry at me but it's too late." Riker said, I looked at him shrugging my shoulders "what ?"

"Greg's coming on the final round of tour with us." Riker said making me laugh "No you're not. You said you weren't going to bring him into this kind of life, if he wanted to then you'd slowly introduce him to it not fucking drag him. His not going on that tour with you."

"He wants to come with me, I'm not gonna let him play shows! He just wants to see what goes on behind the scenes, yeah we may let him play a little bit but when we're rehearsing. You were the one who said I needed to spend more time with him but everything I do with him doesn't make you happy-"

"Because I want him to make his own choices. I don't want him to do this just because his Dad does it, Riker you know better then anyone this isn't the place for a kid. You get ill, you don't get enough sleep and that makes you worse, I'm not letting you drag my son into that."

"That's always it with you. Your son, whenever we get into an argument he becomes your son, so when you're not pissed at me is that the only time I'm allowed to be a Dad ?" Riker asked.

"Yeah you're such a great father, if you knew he existed why didn't you do anything about it huh ? If you think he is going on the mother fucking tour with you then you have another thing coming." I said moving back as he pushed me away from him.

"Because you said you weren't keeping him, that's why !" Riker shouted sighing.

"Greg he doesn't mean it like that, okay things were complicated then and I was still just a kid-"

"Why don't you two just fuck off and go have a perfect little family back in stupid New York, I hate you both and I wish you weren't my parents!" Greg shouted running out of the building.

"You knew about her being pregnant and didn't tell any of us ?" Stormie asked making Riker nod "she said she wasn't going to keep him so I didn't think I had to."

"Oh please you wouldn't of told them because you were still sigh Hailee oh wait you were for the 7 years after." I said making him laugh.

"Learn to let go of shit!" Riker said glaring at me.

"Lea!" Sarah said grabbing my arm pulling me back, Riker nodded rocking back and forward "what's wrong with him ?" Ross asked as he fell to the floor "oh shit, someone call an ambulance." Sarah said.

"I'm going to look for Greg." I said walking past everyone, it sounds mean leaving him on the floor but he pushed me to far. Hearing Greg say he hates us and wishes we were never his parents is the one thing you never want to hear and I'm not sure what's more painful the fact he said he hates us or the fact he wished we were never his parents.

"Greg ? I know you're out here." I shouted looking around the parking lot. Greg took one look at me and started off running.

Sighing I rolled my eyes and went after him. You know his got Lynch DNA when he runs like a fucking Olympic runner doing the 500 meter.

"Get off of me!" Greg shouted as I picked him up off of the ground, biting my tongue as he kicked and screamed. Finding a near by step I sighed and sat him down on it shaking my head.

"Greg look at me, I know you're upset and you're angry and confused but you can't speak to people like that, we're your parents and we love you more then anything in the world. I know we argue in front of you and I'm sorry for that, we have no control over that. Yes I did want to get rid of you when I found out because I knew how hard it was going to be raising you, I didn't have my family around me and I was scared but you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, I will always love you, you know that but sometimes you're just so difficult at times, you stress me out and you annoy and you upset me but that is what being a parent is and I wouldn't want any other kid to do that, you're such an amazing kid, I love you so so much." I said going to hug him, sighing as he pushed me out of the way.

"No! You don't. You always promise things and then break them. You say you and Dad will stop arguing but you haven't, you're always at each other's throats and when you're not you're always trying to get pregnant when there's no point, I don't want to live with you until you're married, I'm going to stay with Uncle Rocky." Greg said walking off, I gasped covering my mouth as I sat on the floor shaking my head. This isn't supposed to be my life.

One more chapter left ☺️✊️😱

Prince Charming 2 {R5/Riker Lynch}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant