Chapter Thirtyfour

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"Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck, Bu-"

"Greg what are you doing ?" I asked looking over the back of the chair, his been saying Buck now for nearly two hours, Riker ended up putting ear phones in and keeps smirking at me every time I roll my eyes because those ear phones are mine thanks to a certain blonde haired idiot named Ross who somehow broke Riker's earphones.

"Teaching Gabe that it's with a B and not a F." Greg said, I turned around and looked at him "what ?" I asked.

"He keeps saying the F word, so I'm trying to get him to say it with a B." Greg said making me laugh as I shook my head, he can say he doesn't like being a big brother and that he hates them but he secretly loves it, they were crying last night and I woke up to go see what was wrong and when I got in there he was sat cuddling them both falling asleep.

"Okay." I said as Riker groaned nearly falling off the chair, dropping Gabriella. I leaned forward and grabbed her pulling her into my chest "what the Buck happened to you ?" Greg asked, I looked at him and gave him a warning look "what ? I'm teaching him not to say it." Greg said innocently.

"Yeah I think I now know why you can't pregnant, fuck." Riker breathed as Greg screamed making Riker and I look at him "you can't say that word."

"Let her jump on your crotch and try not saying that word." Riker said making me laugh as I rubbed his back, Gabriella is more of a jumped then Gabe, when Gabe is on you, his pretty still, he wiggles about and tried playing with things but he bounces whereas Gabriella tries jumping and I think the only person who hasn't ended up saying fuck when holding her out of the boys is Mark, all of the others have experienced pain.

"Mom doesn't need to be pregnant." Greg said standing next to us.

"He didn't mean it like that." I said rolling my eyes as Riker rested his head on the table, his always be the unlucky one, the amount of times you'd hear him scream fuck as teenagers from walking into tables, playing fighting, doing stupid things, someone throwing the remote to him or dropping a Xbox controller on him, I made him cry once when we were play fighting, he pinned me down to the floor and at the time he was stood above me, he got a cramp in his leg and Stormie was walking in with hot drinks so I moved my legs so she could get past and Riker dropped down as my legs bent up, he didn't move and he I think in the end eventually started throwing up from the pain of it, how he hasn't been put into hospital from it yet, is amazing.

"We're home !" Ross shouted walking in with the others "what's up with grumpy ?" Dad asked.

"Gabriella jumped and hurt him." I said making all of the boys groan.

Ryland laughed and threw me an ice pack "here." I said handing it to Riker as he sat up leaning his head back.

"Greg you want some ice cream ?" Stormie asked, Greg nodded and followed them into the kitchen, Riker looked at me and laughed "demon chil-"

"Daddy." Gabriella said, Riker and I looked at each other and looked at Gabriella "what did you just say ?" I asked.

"Daddy, Daddy." Gabriella said reaching for Riker, he looked at me smirking as he put his middle finger up "she loves me more." Riker said taking her from me.

Idiot, most babies say Dada or Daddy first because it's easier then Mama or Mommy, others say other words like Gabe but it's cute because she hurt him and then he called her a Demon Child and she apologised by saying her first word.

The weird thing is we don't really use the word Daddy, Greg calls Riker Daddy if his tired, if he wants something, if his sorry for something or if his not well or scared, I call Dad's Daddy just to annoy them, but it's not really a word that is said that much whereas Fuck is mentioned a lot especially at home.

"Don't be getting too excited, you'll be hearing that until she finds another word." I laughed kissing his head as I stood up "wait, wait." Riker said grabbing my arm.

"What ? I'm hungry." I whined "who's your favourite, Mommy or Daddy ?" Riker asked.

"Fucktard." I laughed rolling my eyes.

"Lea !" Mom shouted.

"Fuck." I said shaking my head.

"Lea !" Mom shouted.

I groaned pretending to punch the table, why is it when someone tells you not say something you get the urge to say it even more ?

"God damn it, take her." Riker said handing me Gabriella, I looked at him and tilted my head to the side until I realised the ice was starting to melt.

"Riker p-"

"Say it and I will tease you to insanity." Riker whispered walking past me.

I looked at Gabriella and laughed "his stupid." I said kissing her cheek, she doesn't cry if I'm holding her or hugging her but if Riker is and I go to show him any form of attention she starts getting a little fussy.

I think raising two boys and one girl is hard, raising any kids is hard it doesn't matter if there one or two or three or more it's still hard, but Greg always tries playing with his toys with Gabe and he'll play with Gabe like they're soldiers whereas with Gabriella it's hard for Greg to think of things to do with her, he'll play with their baby toys with them and he is such an amazing big brother, he tries making it so he pays attention to the both of them at the same time with the same amount.

But no matter what, she's my girl.

Riker can have his boys and I can have my girl "am I ruining a moment ?" Sarah laughed, I looked at her shaking my head "she's just having cuddles." I said smacking her hand away "my cuddles."

"I need to talk to you, alone and that includes the baby." Sarah said, I sighed and put Gabriella down near all of the toys and followed Sarah upstairs into her bedroom.

"What ?" I asked sitting down on the bed.

"I need you to get me something." Sarah said making me sigh "ser-"

"Not like that, you know Rocky lost his ring ?" Sarah asked, I looked at her shaking my head "Sarah you're my sister and I love you but there are somethings sisters can't do, I'm not getting his ring he can get it just make it seem like you want him and pretend you've found a spot that makes you feel good, guys are stupid when it comes to sex you tell them anything and they'll listen." I said hearing the bedroom door slam shut.

"I still stand by what I said, girls are like dogs, you sit on our laps and beg." Riker said.

"Bitch you were secretly gay shut the fuck up." I said looking away from, falling to the floor "I wasn't gay and if you call me bitch one more time, I'll drop kick your ass down the stairs." Riker said.

"Fight me bitch."

I haven't updated in forever, college is stressful and my family life is so fucked right now I can't even tell who's on what side no more 🙄

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