Chapted Tweleve

146 11 2

Sarah POV

"What's with the face ?" Riker asked giving me a questioning look, clearly he got too drunk to remember last night. We left LA and came to Las Vegas, checked into our hotel, got dressed and headed out drinking, Rydel on soft drinks.

Things weren't right when we left LA, Lea and Riker didn't really talk, they didn't even sit together, Greg started acting up real bad and wouldn't let go of Riker then when we got to the club, Riker went missing and about two hours later we saw him making out with someone....who wasn't his fiancée.

"What's with the girl last night ?" I asked making him laugh "I'm all-"

"Be careful what you say around me." I warned, Riker laughed shaking his head putting his phone down on his bed "Lea and I aren't together any more, I'm allowed to kiss other women."

Hold, back up a couple of steps "one more time."

"I broke up with Lea and before you start screaming and shouting at me I have my reasons." Riker said.

"Give me five good reasons." I said crossing my arms.

Riker sighed shaking his head "1. I over heard Lea on the phone a couple of weeks ago and she was saying how in the future she wants another baby, while we were on tour I started getting really bad stomach pain and I couldn't pee properly so Ellington took me to the doctors and after doing a few tests, i had a water infection and Ellington wanted to mess around and see how good his sperm count was, my results came back shit and I can't get anyone pregnant. 2. I can't even protect myself from Liam how am I supposed to protect my family. 3. Lea deserves a guy who can treat her like a queen, with everything that's happened I need to think things out-"

I stood up and smiled sitting down next to him, wiping the tear coming from the corner of his eye "she has 3 kids and a dog why does she want another one ?" I asked making him laugh "is that why you've been holding off sex ?" I asked, Riker shrugged "1. We just didn't really feel the mood and 2. I'm scared it's going to come up in a conversation and I don't want to tell her that I can't do it."

"Riker, Lea loves you a lot more then she lets out sometimes, she doesn't want a castle or Prince Charming on a white horse, she wants her best friend, and yes that's double meaning, you're so much better than Liam, you know what Lea deserves ?" I asked making him shrug as he laid down.

"Good dick ?" Riker asked.

"I've seen your back, I've seen the scars and I've seen your head board, you try telling me that, that girl doesn't go crazy for you, you're bullshitting me and Lea deserves a guy who knows her better than anyone, a guy who she can do crazy stupid stuff with, a guy who isn't afraid to be a fucking idiot around her, kinda reminds me of her best friend." I said standing up.

"Can I ask you something ?" Riker asked sitting up, I nodded and sat back down.

"Do you ever think that there's still a part of Lea that loves Liam ?" Riker asked, I took a deep breath in and sighed.

"You ever ask me that again, I will stab you. She fucked the guy to make you jealous, I'm not quite sure how you two worked it out because she did it to make you jealous but you did it to make her jealous, I don't know." I said looking at him "I have seen Lea in lots of situations that no one wants to see someone they care about in but Lea's face when you collapsed will scar my mind for life and hearing Greg ask if he'd get to hear your voice again, Lea just looked at me and that's when I saw everything, that's when I saw how much she loves you, don't let her go again, she might get your name tattooed again." I laughed.

Riker looked at me tilting his head to the side "when she came back to watch you play ice hockey and you were in hospital and were in a sort of coma, Lea told you she loved you and no matter how far apart she was from you, you'd always be in her heart and she got your name tattooed on her back, she loves you Riker, you lost her once don't make the same mistake twice." I said messing up his hair as I stood up.

"She won't talk to me because of last night." Riker said standing up.

"Who says you have to talk ?" I asked smirking.

"What ?" Riker asked, I looked at him and sighed, how is he a Lynch? Lea and I came up with this theory and it's sorta been proven, the Lynch men are pretty damn good in the bedroom and well Riker likes being in control even if he says he doesn't, he totally does. Basically our theory is, they're not normal and are extremely good in bed.

"Tongue, dick, fingers, whatever. Some times a girl doesn't need words to get the message, she just has to know it's there. Ross wants to go out for dinner so get ready and meet us down in the lobby in 10." I said making him roll his eyes.

"Roll your eyes and you might find a brain back there." I laughed walking out of his room. His reasons make sense but he should just be honest with Lea and I know the subject of kids is touchey with them but in a good kinda way, well it was a good kinda way, I know he doesn't want to disappoint Lea or let her down but he shouldn't have to end a entire family relationship just for those reasons, it properly isn't a forever problem but it certainly explains a lot of the things that happened today.

"You talk to him ?" Rocky asked making me nod "we need to get him and Lea alone, you deal with him and I'll deal with her." I said making him nod.

By deal with them what I mean is piss them off to the point they both storm off in hope that they end up in the same place, if they don't then I don't know, I never think that far ahead, it hurts my head too much.

"What type of mood is he in ?" Rocky asked.

"Set Ryland on him, that'll do the trick. I'll be able to piss Lea off easily, she's all hormonal, you know she was talking about another baby ?" I asked making Rocky nod.

"Yeah I kinda led Riker to her, I hope this one will look like Lea though, make it a fair share thing, the kids can't get all their good looks from their Dad." Rocky laughed.

"I'd give up now, Riker can't have any more kids, his shooting blanks, can that happen ? Like can you randomly start shooting blanks ?" I asked making him shrug.

I'm only allowed my phone back for an hour but luckily I had half of this done as part of 'homework' I've been using a laptop all day 😂

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