Chapter Twentythree

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"Lea wake up." Riker said poking my forehead, I groaned and slapped his hand away and tried to roll over but sighed "you're sat over my legs so I can't kick aren't you ?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on wake up, if you don't I'm pouring this glass of water over your head." Riker said, why is this my life ? Why can't I have a normal fiancé who lets me fucking sleep at 2am ?!

"For fucks sake, what do you want you annoying little person ?" I asked opening my eyes.

"Well there's a couple of things but most of all I want a unicorn." Riker smiled.

R5 is becoming R-fucking-4 if he carries on. Living with Riker is worst then living with a toddler, toddlers wake you up to tell you their sock fell off or they can't find their teddy, Riker wakes you up to tell you the most random things, we were watching a movie and we couldn't think of the guys name, we fell asleep about three hours later Riker wakes me up to tell me who the guy was, I wasn't bothered by who it was !

Gabe wouldn't go to sleep tonight, we tried everything so we went to sleep about 2 hours later than our normal time which is anywhere between 11:30pm pushing at 2am but when you're up with a crying baby which then wakes up Gabriella you just want sleep but no, this idiot won't let me sleep....guess I won't let him live.

"I will throat punch you if you don't let me sleep." I said sitting up on my elbows.

"Just calm your shit-"

"Boy you woke me up for no fucking reason other than to tell me you want a fucking unicorn-"

"You say fucking a lot do you know that ?" Riker asked making me groan as I pretended to wrap my hands around his throat.

"Why are you being annoying ? Why did you wake me up ? I just want to sleep, tell me in the morning." I said pushing him off of me and rolled onto my side pulling the covers over my head.

"I wanna go to Spain." Riker said making me sigh "then go to fucking Spain, you be quiet now." I said rolling my eyes.

Riker laughed pulling the covers back "I meant I want all of us to go to Spain, the twins are old enough to fly, Greg liked Spain, Rydel and Ellington didn't have a honeymoon and she's pregnant so they're stressed, Sarah and Rocky hooked up a couple of times could finally make something work."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, once Riker gets an idea into his head he has to tell someone about it straight away and won't drop it unless there's some kind of answer to it.

"You woke me up at 3am to tell me you wanna go on a fucking holiday ? I love you but sometimes I really wish you were a completely different person." I said making Riker laugh.

"Can you see the knives in my back or is that just me ?" Riker asked getting off the bed.

"Riker you know that's not what I meant, I'm tired with what's been going on the last few weeks I don't think a holiday is a good idea." I said moving over onto his side so he could sit on my side.

"Exactly why it's the perfect reason to go on holiday, we've all been so stressed we need a break, the Las Vegas thing didn't really work out but if all of us went it would be good, we wouldn't have to pay for a hotel or anything because we've got the house, Lea think about it, everything that's happened in the past 18 months started off in Spain, Ellington proposed to Rydel, you told me you were pregnant, you and Sue finally became friends, Greg had his first birthday with his real family, things changed a lot over there and we keep saying things are going to change but they haven't so if things changed once what's to say they won't change again." Riker said making me sigh as I put my hands on his shoulders.

"This is the type of talk we have before arguments start, yes you have a point lots of things changed and happened while we over there lots of things that happened this year began last year, it's all well and good saying what's not to say they won't change again but what if it made things worse ? Riker I'm at that point of life where everything is about to fall into place, I'm not going to lose you over some idea that randomly popped into your head trying to save our relationship, things aren't terrible and they're not bad but they're not okay, our relationship doesn't need saving it needs sorting out, things are starting to play out the right way don't try screwing them up now, please ?" I begged resting my head on his shoulder.

"I know you're still unsure about things cause of the whole kid situation but I'm not going to want another guy, I either have kids with you or I have no kids that's my life now, you're my life, Greg is my life, the twins are my life, we're my life, maybe in a couple of months, yeah ?" I asked looking at him.

Riker sighed rolling his eyes at me, I'm raising a 3 year old with the attitude of a 13 year old in a 26 year olds body and a set of nearly 10 month old twins and a 9 year old.

"Fine." Riker huffed making me laugh.

"I'm going to sleep, I love you even if you annoy the hell out of me but just so you know you piss me off when we're married I'm gonna become super rich in a very little amount of time, do you have life insurance ?" I asked laughing as I pecked his lips.

Riker whined grabbing my shirt and pulled me back, kissing me. How is he not tired ? His normally out by now like what the fuck is wrong with you ? Just go to sleep!.....the amount of times we heard that as kids, I could write a huge book.

"Riker...Riker stop." I laughed moving my neck to the side, sometimes self control doesn't exist around Riker, it's like it vanishes kinda like my money when Sarah takes my wallet.

"Riker Greg's outside the door." I whispered.

"Greg we can see your shadow." Riker sighed looking back at the door.

"No you can't." Greg said opening the door, hiding in the shadows.

"What are you doing up ? It's late." I said making Riker shrug.

"It's early." Riker said.

"I will smack you in the face with a frying pan." I said.

Greg laughed and climbed into our bed looking at Riker "you not gonna hit her ?" Greg asked.

"No! She's a girl." Riker said as I slapped him around the face, he used to hit me all the time "we're not playing this game." Riker said slapping me around the face then pointing his finger at me "don't, you're a bad influence to Greg-"

"You were the one who just hit a girl, well I guess she did too." Greg smiled.

So I've had a lovely day of playing Slapsies with my friend, we got a few strange looks 😂 anyway check out my other stories...please?

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