Chapter Twentysix

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"You know it's okay to let it out." I said sitting down next to Dad, today was a long day, we woke up at 2am to get a 4am flight to Spain, I know Riker just wants to control things and make things better but if I get woken up before 7am once more in the next week, there will be a dead body.

Dad laughed shaking his head "I just wish he could see how amazing you kids have turned out, it's hard trying to live up to his standards of being a father, he had two kids I was raising 8."

After Pops died, Dad went to a dark place which was understandable for a son who had just lost his Dad and seeing how we were all dealing with it must of been hard, I was 15 when he died and I know I became hard work.

I smiled grabbing Dad's hand "then live up to your own, Dad no one is a perfect parent, believe me I missed out on so much of Greg's life by working in the hospital, I kept him from his family, from his Dad, we make mistakes and we learn from them, there is not one single parent out there who hasn't made a mistake, you've swore in front of them or said something that hurts, argued in front of them, let them do something that you probably shouldn't of, no one makes a perfect parent we just go by our everyday lives, hoping that our kids don't turn out to be bad people, you and Pops were raising different generations, just like I'm raising a different generation to you, Pops raised 2 kids, one of them turned out to be a massive asshole who only talks to his brother when he wants money or he knows there's gonna be free alcohol, I hadn't seen David for 10 maybe 11 years until Rydel got married, you, Mom, Stormie and Mark managed to raise 8, even though they're not your bi-"

"They're still my children." Dad said making me awkwardly laugh.

I love the fact that we're a close family and how Mark and Stormie helped raise us and how Mom and Dad helped raise their kids, I call all of them Mom and Dad sometimes I call Stormie, Stormie and Mark, Mark, I think of Rydel, Rocky, Ross and Ryland as my younger siblings, they are my brothers and sister but sometimes hearing my Dad say things like they're my children or I'm so proud of my sons and daughters it's hard for me because basically I'm fucking and marrying Riker, so like before Riker proposed at Rydel's wedding some people asked is this your sister, so I kinda have a mental image of Riker being my brother inside of my head and I don't think that's healthy for our relationship.

Dad looked at me and laughed "alright, sorry, I forgot that you get freaked out by that."

"It's only because of Riker, I'm kinda marrying-"

"And fucking." Dad said making me gasp as I covered my face, only us kids can say that, this conversation with your Dad isn't exactly the one you want to be having.

"Oh come on Lea, I'm not gonna kill you, you've got three kids with the guy you seriously think I don't know how they got here ?" Dad asked.

That wasn't what I meant exactly, I just meant I wasn't expecting it to come out of his mouth or he'd say you're having sex but like there's a difference between sex and fucking.

"Actually they're only having sex at the moment, Riker's still kinda weak from getting stabbed." Sarah said sitting down on my lap.

"I can hear you !" Riker said walking out holding Gabe.

"It's true, he shit himself ?" Sarah asked.

"No he hasn't stopped crying though." Riker said going to hand him to me when my Dad put his arms up "you want picking up ?" Riker asked.

"You may be taller then me but you're not to old for a slap, you cheeky bitch." Dad said laughing as Riker gave Gabe to him.

"I'm going to bed because today has been long, so I will see you idiots tomorrow." Riker said kissing me, biting my lip......okay.

Sarah looked at me tilting her head making me shrug "anyway that's what I said, fucking-"

"Dad there's a difference between fucking and having sex, having sex is like love and intimate and romantic where as fucking is you dong give a shit, you just go for it like as soon as the guy busts, that's it games over he don't care if you ain't done, his quitting the game." Sarah said making me groan as I covered my face.

Can I leave this conversation or am I forced to stay and listen to my father and my sister talk about the differences between fucking and having sex ?

But Sarah does have a point, you don't have sex with a one night stand, you fuck them.

"What's wrong with you ?" Dad asked looking at me.

"I just want this conversation to be over with, I love you two but I think parts of our lives should be private for example I don't think we should talk about sex." I said.

Dad laughed "well I think it's good to, you two need to learn things, you haven't always known what sex wa-"

"Dad I have three kids and no offence to Sarah but she's not exactly a 'virgin' is she." I said getting a smack around the head.

I wish I was as confident as Sarah was, not because of the amount of guys she slept with but she just has this way about her that guys seem to go crazy for and it's like, bitch what do you have that I'm lacking ?

"She has a very good point, changing subject you and Mom cool ?" Sarah asked.

Earlier at the airport something happened between Mom and Dad and it followed us to the house and they haven't spoken since we landed a couple of hours ago.

"Just simple arguing, nothing you kids need to worry about." Dad said looking down at Gabe smiling as he finally went off to sleep "I remember you two being this small, I remember you all being this small." Dad said.

"When was the last time you and Mom went on a Date ?" I asked, Dad looked at me and laughed "what day is it today ?"

"Wednesday." Sarah said.

"1991." Dad said, Sarah and I laughed shaking our heads "you've got to of gone on a date after that." I said.

Dad shook his head "not one that counts, we always had you two with us or we had Riker with us or even Stormie and Mark, plus dates weren't really our thing, our-"

"You pull the our family card and I'm taking my son off you and pushing you into that pool, you and Mom are going on a date." I said standing up with Sarah.

"What ? Now ?" Dad asked making Sarah and I nod, nothing's wrong with a very late night date.

"You deal with him and I'll get Mom." I said taking Gabe off of Dad.

This is going to be so much fun, but hopefully they don't have too much.

I went on a date with my boyfriend and we ran into my ex and it was just awkward, I wanted to be anywhere but there.

Prince Charming 2 {R5/Riker Lynch}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant