Chapter Fortythree

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"Hey sexy lady." Riker said leaning against the hall way wall making me scream as I opened the bedroom door "what happened to meeting me at Rydel's ?" I asked covering my heart.

"They started what I think is called kissing, I couldn't really tell it wasn't normal looking and even though they're married now and she's pregnant, she's still my baby sister who's having her own baby." Riker said making me laugh as I shook my head "you sound so much like Moms and Dads, I remember when the twins were born I have no idea where you guys where but it was just me and your Mom and she started crying and I was like what you crying for and she was like my babies have babies-"

"She does remember Greg right ?" Riker asked, I laughed hugging him "thank you for the dress." I smiled kissing him "you look sexy."

"So do you." I said laughing as he stood up straight against the wall pulling me closer "why do you look so scared ?" Riker laughed.

"Your eyes just changed color in front of me, I've just never seen them do that this close and I just realised you shaved, you have baby face-"

"And people wonder why I don't shave, I walked into Rydel's and she walked straight past me and walked backwards looking me up and down and she went something about you has changed and I'm not sure how I feel about it and I was like I shaved and then she got really excited and started stroking my face, wow now I get why people say things about us." Riker said making cringe.

"Oh my god don't get started on that, this little girl came in she couldn't of been more then 12 years old and she was wearing an R5 t-shirt and she wouldn't look up from her phone which was kind of good because it was for her ankle and I just started talking to her about you guys and she said like how you're a sibling band and she started laughing so I asked her what she was laughing about and she went Rikoss just got married and I stood there thinking well that sounds like your name mixed in with someone else's and I asked what Rikoss was and she went it's Riker and Ross dating and my friend Rachael knew I grew up with you guys and after the girl had gone home she started laughing and said you went as white as a ghost, why you freaking out so much and I looked at her as if she was the most stupidest person in the world and went Rikoss, Riker and Ross are brothers, she then laughed saying she knew you were gay." I said laughing.

I get that there are ships in the fandom and you know what it's not real, we all understand that but sometimes when you ship siblings together as sexual couples you have to be careful because you know it's a little strange thinking that Riker and Ross have sex or Ross and Rocky, Ryland and Riker, Rocky and Riker, any way you make it. Rockliff is kinda cute but then they're not blood related, plus they cute as hell.

"I'm clearly gay." Riker said looking me up and down.

"You admitted that you and Curt have a bromance." I said smirking.

"Doesn't make me gay, you and Rydel have a sismance, doesn't make you gay." Riker said.

"But I have made out with her-"

"You kissed her." Riker said.

"Oh no, we went full on making out." I said getting a slap around the face.

"It's me or her." Riker laughed.

Is food an option ? Like I love Riker but if I got made to choose between him and food, Boi bye! Rydel once asked me would I rather give up food or sex and Riker got offended because I said sex, food is the love of my life, Riker is fairly close behind.

"Well we'd have to talk to Ellington about it, you know make sure-"

"Fuck you." Riker laughed shaking his head.

"Maybe I will." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Maybe you won't." Riker said sighing "fuck." He said rolling his eyes.

I laughed cupping his face "I can't say no to you but I do have an idea."

"When you say you have an idea you mean you have an idea that basically fucks all of Tonight up, right ?" Riker asked.

"If you were to rearrange some of those words, then yeah." I smiled pecking his lips, undoing the first button his shirt making him laugh "maybe later baby." Riker said grabbing my hands.

"I hate you." I said trying to kick him.

"No, you hate the fact that I said later." Riker said making me pout "you're marrying yourself." I said walking away from him.

Riker laughed wrapping his arms around my waist as he grabbed his car keys off of the side "trust me, we go out with Rydel and Ellington and then when we get back I'm all yours."

"Promise ?" I asked looking over my shoulder.

"Have I broken a promise like that before ?" Riker asked smirking.

"I have a question about the wedding." I said getting into his car, Riker laughed and nodded "what ?" He asked looking at me.

"Do I have to like turn up for the ceremony or can I just turn up for the food ?" I asked, Riker laughed shaking his head as he kissed my cheek "I love you so fucking much."

I smiled and rested my head against the window, how did I get so lucky with a guy like him ?

Could you imagine how cool the wedding would be ? Don't even bother coming to the ceremony, don't come to the boring part come to the part where there's food and alcohol, drink and eat till you pass out.

"I want to get a Tubectomy." I said, Riker laughed looking at me from the corner of his eye "is that some kind of dog ?"

Oh dear god, give me strength....not to smack some sense into this guy.

"It's a vasectomy but for girls, they tie the tubes together so the egg can't go to my uterus, if you can't have kids then neither can I." I said.

"When did this idea pop up ?" Riker asked.

"I've been thinking about it for a while, I was gonna just get it without telling you but 1. You'd find out somehow and 2. I think you should get a say." I said making him shrug.

"I-I don't know, like to me that sounds like any chance of it ever happening is gone." Riker said.

"Riker that chance is already gone, as we've said, we have three amazing children, we don't need any more, well I don't I've got four to raise-"

"Are you-"

"You're the fourth child." I said making Riker look me up and down "how very dare you, I'm deeply insulted." Riker said looking away from me.

I laughed rubbing his leg making him narrow his eyes at me "keep your hand where it is missy, you're like in a real mood tonight."

"Yeah well last time we had the house to ourselves, you were in a bit of a mood, plus I don't know you just look really good in shirts." I smiled.

There's only 7 more chapters until Prince Charming 3 😱

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