Chapter Twenty

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"It's sunny, its hot, there's a BBQ, there's awesome waves so why exactly are you sat up here ?" I asked making Riker laugh.

"I'm just thinking about things, Rydel's stressed with the baby, we've got problems, Ross and Rocky are always at each other's throats, we're always at each other's throats, everything is just falling apart around me and giving me no time to get back up again-"

"You punched the wall and made your knuckles bleed and you don't want Mom's to kill you." I said making him nod as he took his hand off of his left.

I laughed shaking my head and sat down next to him "hey look at me." I said grabbing his chin, Riker sighed looking at me.

"I promise things are going to get better with us but first other things need to fall into place, you worry for people when you don't need to, you're allowed to be selfish just as long as you don't turn into a dick about it, you're like me you don't tell anyone else your problems but you'll happily take someone else's and then you end up like this which will then turn in to a massive meltdown, is this really about R5 ?" I asked.

Riker shrugged and wiped his eyes making me sigh as I hugged him, interlocking our fingers "don't do it, if you don't want to. Just take some time off of it don't end it just pause it."

"It's not that I don't want to do it, I'm scared I can't do it." Riker said.

One day eventually R5 is going to end or who knows they may be like an 80's band who's still together now even when they're in their 70's.

"Baby you know it's going to end eventually but now isn't the time, as Pops used to say, nothing lasts forever, we're all going to die at some point but memories last a life time, it's what keeps things alive. R5 will come to end at some point but not for at least another 20 years or so and then when the time does come for you to say goodbye to it, you'll have a life time of memories to keep it alive." I said making him sigh as he wrapped his arms around me kissing the top of my head.

"What'd I do to get you ?" Riker asked.

I laughed and kissed his cheek as a whole load of shouting came from outside, we both looked at each and walked out on to his balcony "come on." I said grabbing his hand.

"You come step to me talking shit about her and you don't expect me to bite back ?" Sarah asked stepping towards a girl....Liam's girl.

Seeing her I realise I went to school with her, she didn't like me then and I'm assuming she doesn't like me considering she's going after Sarah.

"Still doing your sisters dirty work are we ?" Katie laughed.

"Oh no, she's just getting it started." I said standing next to Sarah.

Katie wasn't jealous of me but my name got around school pretty quick, the girl dating the older guy, the girls best friend constantly fights with her best friend, something going on with the best friend, everyone knew the drama between Riker and Liam. I became popular for the wrong reason.

"You always thought you were hard, all those fights in school, does Mommy and Daddy know you put a kid in hospital ? Guess you weren't the perfect daughter, got pregnant at 17 by your best friend while cheating on your boyfriend, ran away from the truth, guess your kids a bastard." Katie smiled.

"Call my son a bastard one more time princess and I'll make sure you get that noise job you've always wanted." I said stepping to her.

One thing I learnt very quickly when I had Greg was you'd kill someone if they ever hurt your child, I do not care what would happen to me if someone ever laid a hand on Greg or the twins I wouldn't stop until I got my satisfaction.

"No need to get violent now, Mommy and Daddy are here." Liam said walking up to us, Sarah looked at me and shook her head "actually I have two Moms and two Dads so shove that up your ass." I said.

"You got a whole lot feistier." Liam said touching my face, Sarah looked at me and mouthed David making me nod.

David is our uncle who works for the police force but he also is the one who's been working in Riker's favor.

"You got a whole lot stupider." I said smacking his hand away from me.

"You're the one who keeps breaking up with dumbass, I've never known someone to break up as much as you and him, guess you could say your relationships a bit rocky." Liam said.

That would of actually turned out okay if I was dating Rocky...but seeing as I'm not Sarah and it's Riker not Rocky that's just embarrassing.

"That's Rocky, I'm Riker, thought you'd know that since I beat your ass so many times." Riker said making me sigh.

Riker is an idiot there's no hiding that but sometimes his more then just a idiot his a fucking moron.

"You threatening me ?" Liam asked walking past me.

Riker laughed and handed Rydel his beer "you showed my son porn, you scared him to the point he went mute, you taught him kids should be seen and not heard, your little girlfriend over there became the other woman, I'm twice the guy you'll ever be, when Lea came back from New York and we went drinking together she said to me I was more like her boyfriend then you were, face it, you lost the best thing that would ever happen to you, you underestimate what Lea and Greg can do, what she ever saw in you I don't know but there is one thing I do know, I know how to give her the world and you know what ? Yeah you're right we fight and we break up but there isn't any other person on this planet that I would carry on fighting for, a guy like you doesn't deserve a girl like Lea, guess that's why I got to her before you." Riker smirked.

Liam laughed and nodded "you got the first taste of whore, do you want a fucking medal ?" He asked and swung for Riker as he ducked something hit Liam square in the face sending him to the sand with a very clearly broken nose.

"My Mom isn't a whore." Greg said standing on Riker's balcony with Riker's ice hockey stick, I started laughing realising that Greg just smashed a puck into Liam's face.

"I've got four fucking medals." Riker said walking up to him "but the gold one is my sexy ass fiancée, you tried keeping us a part, it only made us closer." Riker said punching him in the face, Liam laughed putting his hand in his pocket.

"Someone slashed the tires." Sarah said, I looked at Liam and grabbed Riker's shoulder pushing him off of Liam as he pulled the knife out of his pocket.

Sorry I haven't updated for a few days, I've had a slight writers block

Prince Charming 2 {R5/Riker Lynch}Where stories live. Discover now