Chapter Thirtytwo

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"Your Dad said I'd find you here." I said sitting down next to Riker, I didn't completely understand what was going on, I heard Greg scream and a huge bang, then I heard shouting, Riker shouted loud enough to make the twins cry and then out of nowhere Stormie came in to the kitchen in complete panic saying Riker's blacked out, we got him onto the couch and left him for a little bit, when we went to check on him two hours later he wasn't there, that was four hours ago.

"You found me." Riker said sarcastically.

"I need you to be a thousand percent honest with me okay ? Riker look at me please." I said, he looked at me, his eyes red from crying and his lip red from bleeding "what ?"

"What is going on with you ?" I asked making him shake his head "that's all everyone keeps saying, why is it always me huh ? Why am I always made out to be the bad guy ? Why am I always made out to be the fucking crazy person ? Aren't I allowed to go through some shit without people questioning me every five fucking minutes ? I don't want this life Lea !" Riker said sighing going to touch my hand, I pulled away from him shaking my head.

"Then leave it, get on a plane and go home if you don't want to be here Riker, you keep saying shit that hurts us and then you say you didn't mean, we don't know what you mean anymore, I love you, you know that but I'm starting to think that maybe this is all too much for you to handle, you don't want to get married, you don't want the k-"

"You're putting words into my mouth, do you want me to walk out on you and the kids ? Because you've been dropping a lot of fucking hints, I told you not 48 hours ago that I wanted to get married, let's do it when the baby comes and you said no, you don't get what goes through my mind and I couldn't explain it even if I wanted too, was I getting jealous ? No. Was I annoyed ? Yes, Greg is my son, I'm supposed to do those things with him not his uncle, I don't know what is happening to me but what ever it is make it stop, please make it stop." Riker whispered crying as he shook his head "make it stop."

"Make what stop ? I can't stop it without knowing what it is." I whispered putting my hands over his.

Riker shook his head whispering make it stop, over and over and over again "Riker you're scaring me, what is wrong ? Baby you gotta talk to me."

"I can't control myself, I'm scared of myself, i hurt you, what could I do to the kids ? My life was supposed to be perfect, we had this whole plan that got fucked with for no reason." Riker said making me sigh.

"Riker nobody's life is perfect, if it was then they wouldn't be happy, arguing makes relationships stronger, sometimes you have to test the strength of the relationship, we all have our own problems it's just came we get through them together, do I need to make you laugh ? Is that what you're doing, you're acting up so I'll make you laugh ?" I asked laughing.

Riker looked up at me keeping his head down "one time I had been working at least a 30 hour shift and I was really hot so I opened all of the bedroom windows and it started raining, and Liam told me to close them and I said no because it'll help me sleep better and he got annoyed and said well everything's getting wet and without even thinking I said well that's the only thing getting wet and he got pissed at me and started a argument." I said making Riker laugh.

"Savage much ?" Riker asked.

"The best part was when you just heard Greg start laughing and he knew he was supposed to be asleep." I said shaking my head, Greg is Riker, and sometimes it's scary, his even starting to walk like Riker.

"I get hug now." I said, Riker nodded and hugged me, pulling me across his lap "I love you so, so, so much." He whispered kissing my shoulder.

"I love me too." I said getting a slap around the face making me laugh as I looked at him "I love you more though." I said, Riker smiled kissing my forehead "I'm the luckiest guy in the world and I don't want to lose you or the kids, ever."

"From now on, we have to talk about things because right now it feels like our relationship and our family is on the line, I can't keep arguing, it hurts so much cause there are times where I feel you slowly slipping away-"

"Hey, hey, hey." Riker whispered pulling me closer, as he wiped my cheeks "I'm not going anywhere I promise baby, I'm staying right here, right here." Riker said kissing my head.

I sighed hugging him tighter, a girl can live without a man in her life but she can't live without her Best friend, mine just so happens to be both.

"How about me and you lock ourselves in that room again ? Talk things out, make a plan for everything." Riker said making me smile and nod "this time we have the key."

Riker laughed and nodded "probably a good idea."

I laughed shaking my head and leaned into him as he started playing with my ring "I never thought I'd be the reason for that ring." Riker said.

"We got married when we 5, we're just renewing our vows." I said making him laugh "I'm pretty sure I said, I promise to never pull your hair and share all of my toys but you can't touch my food." Riker said, I laughed nodding "I promise I'll never hit you again as long as you don't take my favourite blue cup." I said, Riker laughed shaking his head "in the end they just bought another blue cup."

When we were kids there was this badass Cookie Monster cup that could hold the cookies and Riker and I used to fight over it all the time, I wanted it then he wanted it and we used to end up spilling everything so Moms went and bought us the exact same cup so we could both have one, we still fought over who got the cup though.

"If we don't have any kind of Haribo mix at the wedding, I'm not coming or food." I said laughing.

"Yeah we're just gonna be like thanks for coming there's a McDonalds just round the corner fuck you ?" Riker asked.

"Bitch yes ! We could have like McDonald meals or Pizza, and stack them up like we used to when we were kids-

"Pizza wedding cake." Riker said, oh this wedding is gonna be badass.

"Would we have a cake made like a pizza or a pizza like a cake ?" I asked clearly confusing the fuck out of Riker.

Riker laughed shaking his head as he tucked my hair behind my ear "I don't care what kind of fucking cake we have, I get you forever."

"Flattery doesn't get you anywhere Mr Lynch." I smiled kissing him "how about home ? Where there's food ?"

I laughed and stood up holding my hand out "Ross was ordering something when I left."

My best friend got a boyfriend and now I feel like I don't exist 🙄

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