Chapter Seven

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"Why the fuck did you just text me ? I'm sat right here." I laughed as Riker just walked through the front door, his been up to something all morning, he took Greg to go play some Hockey and they had lunch with the boys, Sarah and Rydel came round, but Riker wouldn't talk to me all morning.

"Well I was texting the prettiest girl I know but she stopped texting me so I texted you instead." Riker said kissing me, he better have a funeral plan.

"You not going to kiss me back ?" Riker asked laughing.

"No, me and you aren't friends anymore, go text the prettiest girl you know." I said crossing my arms turning my face away from him "I would but she stopped replying so I texted the sexiest woman I know."

"But she didn't reply ?" I asked, Riker laughed grabbing my jaw and kissed me "did you reply to my text ?"

I laughed and shook my head as his laptop started making different noises "who that ?" I asked making him shrug "I don't know."

I sighed and opened up his laptop, showing a text from Liam.......from my phone which lit up within seconds.

"That's why you weren't talking to me this morning." I said getting up off of the couch.

"Lea don't start being like this." Riker said following me into the kitchen.

"I can't believe you, what next you start following me when I say I'm hanging out with Sarah or Rydel ?" I asked.

I can't believe his managed to hook my phone up and sync it so that every time I get a text message he sees it a couple of seconds before I do, if my phone is next to him and I get a text, he could clear it from my lock screen and I wouldn't know about it for the next couple of hours.

"Don't start this please, you wouldn't tell me about the text I had to pin you to a fucking car for you to even start letting me know small amount of information, he was going to ram us, he sent you a tex-"

"Someone keyed your car." Greg said carefully opening the door, Riker and I looked at each other and walked out of the house.

"What's Fuk spell ?" Greg asked looking at Riker.

"Can I look at your phone please ?" Riker asked making me sign as I handed him my phone, he unlocked it and bought up Liam's text messages.

"What ?" I asked.

"Look how he spells fuck." Riker said handing it back to me, I looked at it and looked at the words on the car, why is he texting me what his going to do or what his done ? Is he stupid ? Stupid question but you know is he stupid ? That's like killing someone and phoning the police before doing it.

"What's going on ?" Greg asked.

Riker shook his head "nothing, just go inside okay ?"

"Are you and Mom going to finish arguing ?" Greg asked, Riker and I looked at him shaking our head "we weren't arguing we were just talking." I said.

"No you were arguing, we're talking." Greg said.

I have these moments where I'm really proud of how mature Greg is and how well his manners are and all this but there are times when I really wish he was nothing like me and Riker for the simple fact of our back chatting ways, Riker and I have always respected people and we've never meant to disrespect anyone on purpose but we were mouthy and Greg's like us, he has respect but he'll get mouthy with you.

"Greg go inside." Riker said sternly, Greg sighed and walked back into the house slamming the door shut.

"Riker leave it." I said as he pulled out his keys.

"No, his keyed my fucking car, his tried ramming your car while we had three kids in it, I'd be fucking fuming if he had done it with just us but when the kids are in there as well, that's crossing that line by miles, his pushing it too far, I'm not going to hit him or anything but I'm ending this bullshit." Riker said.

"No! Don't step down to his level, his only doing this to get a reaction out of you." I said grabbing his arm "Riker you don't know what he could do to you, if does try something what about Greg ? Gabe and Gabriella ? R5 ? Your Mom and Dad ? Our family ? Us ?" I asked.

"You trust me ?" Riker asked, I went to speak and he repeated the question "it's debatable at the moment if I'm honest."

"You know what forget it, forget him." Riker said making me smile and nod "I'll ask my Dad if he knows how to get key marks out of a car." I said, Riker nodded as soon as I walked in I heard his engine turned on and by the time I had gotten back outside he was already down the road.

"Mom where's he going ?" Greg asked as the twins started crying, getting them to take a nap now is like standing in front of a lion waving meat around and trying not to get bit, it's nearly impossible.

"To start something he can't finish." I said walking into the twins room and picked up Gabe and Gabriella, Greg walked in and hugged me "I'll always love you, no matter what."

I laughed and shook my head, this is my son, this is the child I raised and when his older his going to break hearts in a good way, he'll know how to respect women, he already knows how to treat them.

"I know you will and you know you'll always have me and these two." I said crouching down to his level, Greg laughed and nodded "one of them stinks."

I smelt Gabriella, she was good. Greg and I both looked at Gabe and shook our heads, his not abnormal baby, well he is, his just majorly awkward, you go to change him and then he decides to shit everywhere.

"You think you'll be able to him while I change her ?" I asked, Greg nodded and took Gabe out of my arms.

Gabriella is more of a peeing baby where as Gabe his the I'm-going-to-surprise-you-but-half-way-through-changing-me-I'll-surprise-you-again-like-I-surprised-you-when-you-found-out-you-were-pregnant-with-twins.

"Are you going to have more kids ?" Greg asked making me laugh.

"Maybe one day but at the moment, having more kids isn't what we need, things are changing again, Rydel's pregnant, R5 are doing more music, I think this family has enough children for now, when Rydel and Ellington's baby comes there's going to be 4 kids and we're a big family already plus I think me and Riker want to sort something's out properly before we start expanding again." I said making him nod.

Honestly I'm not sure about having more kids, I want to but I don't want to and it's hard to explain but at the same time there is no other way to explain it other than I want to and I don't, I stuck between do I have a operation to stop it happening ever again or just stop it for a while.

I updated 😂 if you guys are a Ross fan please go check out my story Kidnapped by R5, I really hope you guys enjoy it.

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