Chapter Nineteen

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"It's fine I found them." I said sighing as I smiled at Riker asleep with all three kids on him, I wanna know how he can sleep with a 8 year old, and two 9 months old, you get a leg in the face, a hand in the face, a foot in your mouth, having babies sleep on you is hard work.

"I'm buying you tracking devices, I bet you $10 he doesn't even move when you take the kids off him." Sarah said making me sigh, you'd think that means she would pay me but nope she reverses bets.

"I'm not giving you $10, it's Riker do you know how many times I've tried waking him up and thought he was dead ?" I asked laughing.

You get two sides of Riker when his sleeping, super fucking light to the point if you whisper in your sleep he'll sit up and try talking to you or deep sleep where you have to check his pulse sometimes, I'm not lying we've checked his pulse before because he was not waking up.

"Well you're no fun, good luck waking him up I suggest water, I love you and remember Dad's having a BBQ tomorrow." Sarah said hanging up before I got to say I love you. It hurts my feelings.

I put my phone down on the side and walked into the living room and picked Greg up and put him to bed "Mom." Greg said grabbing my arm.

"Yeah ?" I asked sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Dad dead ?" Greg asked making me laugh, Stormie has been worried before and as bad as it sounds it's hilarious when it happens because Riker just wakes up and we're all around him and all he thinks is 'they're watching me sleep' it's like he doesn't realise how much of a deep sleep he is in.

"No, his just really tired and it's late, so you need to go sleep, no waking up to steal some gold alright ?" I asked making him nod as he kissed my cheek.

The amount of people who have told me that it's wrong I've let Greg kiss me on the lips before is actually quite shocking, Greg is my son I don't believe that kissing your own child should be seen as being weird, I know that somewhere around the world a parent has properly kissed their child and meant it in a sexual way but why has it suddenly become this thing that you can't kiss your child without it becoming sexualised ?

"You want the" I sighed as Nova ran in and jumped up on his bed, I laughed and kissed his head turning on his night light and walked back into the living room.

The twins were easy, even though Riker's head was tilted at a very uncomfortable position thanks to Gabe's head, he still didn't move.

Today has been a super long day for him, I didn't even know he had come home, I was taking a shower and then Sarah rang and then I found Riker. R5 were recording some new songs and writing, Riker left this morning at 7:30am and when I found him it was 12:30am.

"Riker." I laughed slapping him around the face hard.

"Why are you sleeping ?" I asked shaking him, classic movie scene. If you think about it Nemo was a dark film, saying that you could turn any Disney film dark.

"Fuck it." I said grabbing the bottle of water on the table and poured it over his face making him sit up and cough.

"What the fuck is wrong with you ?" Riker asked shaking his head like a wet dog.

"Wait the twins were on me, wh-"

"Riker they're in their room, I think you guys over did it today, too much too soon, baby you did 17 hours straight, you keep going like that you're going to end up in hospital, why are you guys suddenly going into over drive ? New Addictions came out not two months ago." I said making Riker sigh.

"We still need to write songs, we still need to record them, we still need to make music videos, we still need to do shows, we still need to do everything, not everything's easy." Riker snapped standing up.

I sighed and followed him into the kitchen "Rik-"

"Look I'm sorry alright ? I'm just tire-"

"Riker I've known you for 26 years, you have a quick temper but you've never snapped that fast, what are you hiding ?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I'm not hiding anything, I'm just tired and don't really want to be interrogated right now, can't we talk about it tomorrow ?" Riker asked trying to get past.

"Why so you can come up with enough time for some bullshit ? What's the real reason you guys worked for 17 hours ? And don't try fucking lying to me-"

"After Rydel's had the baby R5 is done, is that better ?" Riker asked walking past me.

Done ? Like finished done ? Like it's the end of R5 done ?

I shook my head as I heard the bedroom slam, I sighed and saw Greg looking out from his door frame, when he saw me he quickly ran back into his bed.

"Greg I know you heard and saw us." I said sitting down on his bed.

"You two were friends yesterday." Greg said sitting up.

I nodded "we still are, his just tired and moody and I needed to know about something, don't worry though alright, come on sleep for real this time." I said kissing his head.

"Mom." Greg said throwing me something, I rolled my eyes and picked it up off the floor smiling, the memories.

"Love you." I whispered walking out of his room, I sighed and opened the bedroom door "did hulk get loose in here ?" I asked stepping over things and sat down next to Riker.

"He got loose inside my head." Riker said making me laugh.

"Well can hulk tell me what you mean when you said R5 is done ?" I asked, Riker looked at me and I smiled wiping his cheek "R5 is done, after the baby there is no R5, the band is done and we want to go out with a bang." Riker said as I held up the pick Greg gave me.

Our Moms and Dads were always supportive of their music, buying them guitars for Christmas and birthdays and helping them and being super patient when they were being really fucking loud but Pops was always supportive as well, he was our number 1 fan no matter what, never missed a dance show, never failed us, never let us down.

"Funny because I always remember this as being the start of R5, Pops bought you it the day you said you were serious about R5 and were gonna make it happen, things are going to change there's no denying that but there are people in the world who rely on you and the others, you're somebodies idol, somebodies role model, you're my role model, they need R5, we need R5, you need R5, this was the start of it, this isn't going to be the end of it." I said pointing at Riker.

R5 don't realise how important they are to their fans, they don't realise how much they mean to them and how they've saved lives, they're not just a random, they're a family and they're the R5Family.

We're not just a fandom, we're the R5Family 😎💪

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