Chapter Three

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"I'll admit when R5 was starting to become a thing, I didn't really think we would be where we are today and I mean that because I didn't ever imagine I would marry Rydel who has four brothers, like that is possible death right there." Ellington said making everyone laugh "when I proposed to Rydel the only other person who knew was Lea and the proposal didn't go to plan, we had fairy lights up and everything and I had this big speech but I just dropped down to one knee and said will you marry me which wasn't how it was supposed to go but last year things changed a lot for all of us."

It was funny because the speech Ellington had written was beautiful and funny at the same time which is sort of like their relationship, it's beautiful and chilled out and fun but the nerves got the better of him.

"I swear to god if he mentions Liam I'm stabbing him." I whispered making Riker laugh as he put his arm around the back of my chair.

"Lea came back to LA for a small break and non of us knew it was going to turn out the way it did, there were a whole lot of arguments and what we thought was going to be the end of something that is so rare I think it's the first time it's ever happened." Sarah said handing Gabe to Mom as she stood up.

Rydel laughed and grabbed my hand taking me to the dance floor followed by the rest of us kids "some of you have known us since Sue was born and those some of you know the type of relationship Riker and Lea had growing up.."

Where is this going ?

"But they also had a special relationship with our Pops." Sue said as a picture came up of me, Riker and Pops. Rydel looked at me and smiled putting her arm around me, I'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm crying because of the memories.

"Before we left for tour which was one of the hardest things we've done because Lea had just had the twins but her being her wouldn't let us back out." Ross said glaring at me making us all laugh.

"We all were sat around talking and somehow we got onto the topic of if I had one wish what would I do with it, Lea, we're not miracle workers, but we can make your wish come true." Ryland said smiling as the photo slowly faded into a video.

Video and after video, Pops with all of us, Pops in the hospital with me and Riker as babies, Pops holding us up when we were walking, videos from us when we were teenagers, every video had Pops laughing or talking or hugging me, 10 minutes later the video of us telling everyone I was pregnant came up, then videos of me and Riker last year that I didn't even know existed, then the last video came to a stop of all us kids holding this white blank photo frame, the original picture has all of us kids in it with Pops, the one from Spain but we got one to put in all the houses, the camera slowly zoomed in and a video from 1996 came up, 12th December 1996, me, Pops and Riker all messing around.

Pops whispered something to make him nod as he put his small little hand into the huge bag of Haribo's you can hear Stormie telling him not give us any......I remember this video, it's the one Riker proposed to me....with a Haribo ring and the most famous family video moment goes to me by saying yes then eating it and Pops asking me why I just ate the ring Riker gave me, my response was it'll go bad which made Riker laugh by saying it's okay because one day it'll be a real ring.

Ellington looked at me and smiled as Rydel turned me to the side only for me to face Riker....down on one knee, holding a real ring.

I laughed and shook my head "you have been my best friend since the 3 days after I was born." Riker said making us all laugh, he has to mention his 3 days older than me "and when we were making the video on tour, I realised what everybody meant when they said we had a special connection, just the way we looked at each other as kids made us all laugh because 26 years later we still look at each other in the same way, losing Pops was the third hardest thing I've been through, the second was watching you with Liam and moving away from us, just not hearing your voice or being able to annoy you was hard but the hardest thing was losing my best friend, my girlfriend, the most annoying person I know, all it took for us to go back to being us was a stupid pizza pun and a food fight, if I never ever make any good decisions and only make bad decisions for the rest of my life, I'll die happily knowing you were the best decision of my life, so Lea Antonia Anderson will you do me the honours of being my best friend for life ? We can go around haunting people when we die as well, you wanna do it ? You wanna be a Lynch ?" Riker asked.

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