Chapter Twentyseven

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"Where's your Mom and Dad ?" Stormie asked grabbing some orange juice out from the fridge, Sarah looked at me laughing as I picked up my drink "what'd you do ?" Riker asked.

"Nothing." Sarah and I said at the same time, Greg looked between us and put his fingers in a cross and hissed, did my son just call me Satan ? The devil ? The fallen angel ?

"I know that look, she does it after she's pranked me." Riker said feeding Gabriella, Gabriella hates me I'm not sure if it's because Riker wasn't there for all those months and now that his back she wants him, like she was only 2 months old when they left for tour so she wouldn't really remember him as such, I think she'd remember the sound of his voice or it's just because they have a bond, Riker was the first person to hold the twins cause I was just like I pushed two kids out I think I wanna take a nap but that nap didn't really last to long.

"What other looks do you know ?" Rocky asked, all of our mouths dropped in shock, I know he means it jokingly but dude you don't say shit like that, you're more then welcome to think it, text it, say to another person but not while you're in the same room.

"What does that mean ?" Greg asked.

"Well sometimes whe-"

"His just playing a joke." Riker said jumping backwards into Ross sending him to hard, cold, marble floor.

"Ow, Riker what the fuck ?" Ross said as Gabe projectiled vomit everywhere. Projectile vomit is where it can go a very long distance and there can be a lot of it.

"I'm not hungry anymore." Greg said pushing his plate away, I nodded rubbing his back "what was that ?" Rydel asked looking terrified, I laughed and picked Gabe up "it's just this thing that babies sometimes do, it's more of an early baby thing but it does still happen." I said walking upstairs.

"Alright alright." I said picking up off the bed, standing him up I pulled off his all in one with one hand which is a lot harder then it sounds, especially with a baby that likes to dance when he knows his standing up.

I looked at his diaper and laughed "did Daddy even change you ?" I asked pulling the back of his diaper, tilting my head I pulled out a white box, laying it down on the bed I finished cleaning up Gabe and got him dressed, I'm not gonna lie I have stylish kids, Gabe's dress sense since being with Riker and the others has changed and so his sort of copying what they wear and the twins, they're just in little
Jeans or shorts but it goes together and looks cute.

"Seriously ?" Riker asked leaning against the door frame, dressed completely the same as Gabe, both wearing the black 'Smile' jumpers, black jeans and black and white converse.

"Well one of you is gonna have to change and it ain't gonna be him." I said as stood up pulling on my shoulder as I sat down, did I mention his insanely strong for a baby ?

"What's the box ?" Riker asked.

"I don't know, found it in his diaper." I said looking at Riker "close the door." He laughed shaking his head and closed the door.

"Why close the door ?" Riker asked.

"Because I said to Rydel if she wanted she could have Gabe for a day because his the more chilled out baby and then she could have Gabriella and I heard Ellington say something about a surprise so I'm putting two and two together, I'm not gonna open it, but I'm not putting it back where it came from." I said laughing as Gabe fell on his butt, his getting closer and closer to walking, they can both stand up without holding onto anything now, Gabriella is sort of walking she can hold onto things very lightly where as Gabe is like hulk, he can walk holding onto something hit he hasn't quite got to the stage of letting go, Gabriella is nearly completely off holding things.

"There's no seal on it, who's gonna know you looked at it ? Him ? He can't talk." Riker said, guess it wouldn't hurt to see what it is.

I sighed and nodded opening it, laughing when I saw the necklace " this the pirates of the Caribbean compass ?" I asked as a note fell out of the box, I picked it up and smiled I'd be lost without you, thanks for dealing with me everyday even when we argue, sorry we've been arguing a lot more and I've been getting angry over things, you, Greg and the twins are the best things to ever happen to me and I don't want to lose you, love you babe x

I laughed and kicked his leg and I stood up and hugged him "what have you done ?" I asked.

"I'm not allowed to buy my fiancée things now ?" Riker laughed, I always knew if Riker done something when we were kids because he gave me things, broke one of my toys ? Give me a bag of chocolate. Get me in trouble ? Get Mark to buy me something.

"No, not when I don't know what you've done." I laughed.

"Well things haven't exactly been all sunshine and rainbows and I don't care how many times you say you wanted to fuck me, I laid a hand on you and I'd ne-"

"You broke all my fingers when we were kids, you broke my left arm, you dislocated my shoulder, you broke my nose, you knocked out six of my teeth all in different years and you put butter on the floor after I got out of the pool and I ended up with 8 stitches in my head, that was abuse, you put it on ?" I asked, Riker laughed and turned me around, wrapping the necklace around my throat I smiled holding up my hair "It was not knowing what was gonna happen that scared me, I know you'd never hurt me and I pushed you way to far, thank you for the necklace." I said kissing him.

Riker smiled grabbing my waist pulling me as close as possible, laughing I tangled my hands in his hair and pushed my tongue into his mouth making him moan, his hand slipping in between us as he walked forward while trying to undo my jeans "Lea why is this door locked ?" Sarah asked banging on the door.

"Seriously ? things were about to get good." Riker whispered making me sigh "Gabe's in the room."

"He doesn't know what's going on, his not even bothered bu-"

"Fuck." Gabe said, Riker and I looked at each other in complete shock "maybe he didn't say that and we misheard it." Riker said.

Riker and I swear a lot but we try to keep it in as much as possible when we're around the twins, with Greg it's easier because he knows the word and knows his not allowed to use it unless he spells it like 'sugar-honey-ice-tea'

"Can you say that again ?" I asked picking Gabe up, he just looked at me like I was talking to him in another language.

"I said why is this door locked." Sarah said, Riker laughed opening the door that was never locked, Dad put the handle on the wrong way so you have turn the handle up to open the door.

"You were talking to a baby." Sarah said making me nod.

I have a 4 year old cousin and they know way too many grown up words....

Prince Charming 2 {R5/Riker Lynch}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя