Remington Leith (3)

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(Y/N Pov)
Today's the day of the Palaye Royale show and I couldn't get tickets so I've decided to hang out around the venue and maybe I'll get lucky enough to meet them. I get to the venue and sit on a bench across from the venue. I wait a few hours before moving and sitting near the back of the venue. After a couple hours I can hear the music, at least I can hear them. After another hour people start leaving the venue, I stand up and lean against the wall before looking at my phone. Soon after I hear the back door open, I look up and can't believe who's in front of me, did this actully work, I see Remington, Emerson and Sebastian, they notice me standing here and Remington says "hey" I smile and say "hi, in case you're  wondering why I'm standing here, I couldn't get tickets so I thought maybe if I wait around here if get to meet you guys" they smile and I ask "can I get a photo with you guys?" they nod and we take a picture together, I say "thanks, I guess I should go now" Remington says "wait a sec" he says something to the others who go to their car and Remington walks over to me again and asks "can I have your number?" I laugh and say "um, sure" he gives me his phone and I put ny number in it, he says "thanks, well have to meet up sometime" I nod and he says "I have to go, they're waiting on me" I smile and say "okay" he hugs me and I begin walking to my car, I wasn't expecting that the happen.

AN: this sucks, sorry.

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