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"Are you done Hazel?"

"Oh yeah!" I turned around. "I mean yes I am S-Sir." I replied, trying to be as respectful as I could be. For he was my boss. Sir Marshal. Sir Marshal Newton. Sir Marshal Newton Pent...

"Then you're free to go. It's 6 already."

"Ah alright. Thank you" I smiled gently and bowed. I had great respect for that man. So I was telling you his name. Its Sir Marshal Newton Pentagon.  I wonder what his parents were thinking though.


"Gosh! That scared me Linda."

"I was wondering if you're free for coffee."

Linda is my best friend. She's been with me through the rise and fall. We survived high school together and now we both work for a magazine.

"I wish I was. Sorry, Can't today."

"Why not Haze?" She pouted.

"Uhh...let me think of a lie." I was so not in the mood.

"Ugh Shut up!", she said while she grabbed me by my arm and the next thing I know we're in the cafeteria.

We sat down while she ordered a bunch of other stuff along with the coffee. No wonder she has a double chin.

"So hows your mother now?"

"Wow! That was out of nowhere Linda." I said as I placed my coffee on the table.

"I know. I'm sorry. I guess you still don't want to talk about your parent's divorce."

"Nah its fine. It is an old story now. I was stupid to think they were infinite. Mom's having panic attacks again. Her depression is getting worse..." I bit my lip as I paused, " I haven't been around her much lately. It hurts to see that she's still waiting for a person who's long gone." I sighed.

"It'll take time for pain to lessen. But she needs you now more than ever."
I could see pity in her eyes. The only reason why I never talk about this.

"I know. Its just that...its all too awkward now." I took another sip of the warm coffee, so I can divert my mind from the memories fighting their way into my brain and focus on how good this coffee is. "If I ask her to see a psychiatrist, she fights. If I ask her to inform me when going somewhere, she argues. How can I help when she won't let me." I continued, slowly placing a closed fist on the table.

"I know Haze. But people drift away someday somehow." She said as she gently unclenched my fist, placing her hand in mine. "And it's better to accept what has happened. Your parents need you. Haven't you heard All we need is somebody to lean on."

That actually did make me smile and then we both started doing the step from this song when suddenly my phone rang

Baby....Baby oooh,  Like Baby  baby nooo

"Oh shit" I whispered.

Linda made an annoyed face. "Really Haze. Jb?

"Yeah....Uhh I thought I changed it."

"Change it now or our friendship is unofficially  over until I need you for something."

"Its mom. Gotta go. Bye." I got up to leave.

"Bye Haze. Or should I say Belieber."

"No you should not say that." I said as I made my way out.

"Hello Mom.....Yeah..okay......okay mom.....I understand....Bye mom....okay....Bye"

Gosh. Moms are second to God but sometimes they can be pretty annoying. Now all she had to say was that she wants me to come home instantly but she also had to bring up how I have not been eating well or coming home late. Anyway so I made my way to the bus stop. Now, I have a phobia. Road crossing phobia. I know weird but I get all dizzy when the speedy cars pass me by.

I saw both ways, "Clear", I whispered. It was a busy road but the signal was red for the cars so I began crossing while I thought about how much of an awkward meeting I was about to have with mom. A screeching noise neared, the squeal of the tires louder than the roar of a lion. I felt excruciating pain as the cold metal rammed into me. Black mist swirled around me, making everything seem unearthly. Everything appeared to happen in slow motion. A deafening silence encapsulated me. Darkness started to cloud my eyes.
Scream. Scream. I thought but no voice came out of my dried throat.
My eyes were wide open as I tried to get hold of the moment but before I could even think of anything, I landed on another car's windshield. I felt several pieces of glass scrape my face, the immensely sharp pain carving into my skin. I remember someone shouting "Holy shit" . Something sharp jabbed into my side and I tried to readjust myself but the pain... oh- pain... and then it all went black and all that was left was darkness.

I never got to know what my mom had to say.

Author's note:

Hey everyone! This is my first novel ever. I hope you guys like it. I Don't forget to vote and do leave a comment to let me know what you think about the 1st chapter.
I want to say that this is obviously not my best as it's my first attempt but I promise that it gets better after a few chapters. So if you're wondering whether to continue or not, please do.
Stay blessed :)

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