Chapter 30|Date Night

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Word Count: 1279

Kira POV

I was currently sitting on my bed, once Eric dropped me off and said he'd be back at 9 my mind had been in jumbles.

Rebecca was going crazy in my wardrob apparently Eric had told her where we were going and she 'HAD' to find something that would blow his mind but I was still shocked. I have a mother out there that never got to be with me when I grew, because the women who raised me too me from her.

Rebecca pulled out a dress and I loved it where she got it from was beyond me.

"I still can't believe your only freaking out about your familys past? I thought you'd fall apart after you found out about Erics past." Rebecca said putting the dress on the bed for me to change into, I had been sitting on the bed in a towel for the past 30 minutes while she went psycho on my closet.

I put on the dress and it fit so perfectly, man I didn't want to leave the house because it brang out curves I didn't even know I had. The suit jacket, made me look sophisticated like I belonged beside Eric.

The nylons she made me put on made me look sexy, I felt so attractive

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The nylons she made me put on made me look sexy, I felt so attractive. She did my makeup natural but I noticed the way my face changed, it was more sharp and noticable like you couldn't stop looking at me.

"We made a promise not to run based on each others past." I replied as I put on the heels she gave me, I had gotten better in them. They were still death contraptions but I gave them props for making my legs look good.

"That's good." Rebecca said, spraying a squirt of this perfume she said fit me I had to agree it smelled amazing like strawberries.

"Yeah, I like him allot and I don't want to run away. like a idiot just because he had a wife and she died man I should be lucky he's even giving me a chance." I said, looking in the mirror at my reflection.

"You look gorgeous." She said, I laughed as the door bell rang I walked out and managed to slam right into Matt.

"Oh sorry." Matt said, scratching the back of his head.

"It's okay, Eric is here to pick me up for dinner." I said, my cheeks flushed I really wanted to go hug Eric but I couldn't be rude.

"Oh nice, have fun." Matt said, looking at my clothing with a tint on his cheeks as he kept eye contact. I knew he was trying not to check me out, he was trying to be better for Angel and I definitely respected that.

I opened the door and Eric looked like a hotty leaning against the mansion wall, he looked so attractive I pulled out my phone and took a picture. Sadly the flash was on, I got my picture but I also spooked Eric as he looked into my direction with a playful smirk.

"Bad girl, let me see" he said, kissing my cheek which caused me to giggle widely.

I showed him my wallpaper which I managed to change to him while he kissed my cheek.

"You got my bad side

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"You got my bad side." He said, his cheeks flushed but I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"What bad side?" I asked, he was biting his lip in this adorable way that made me realize he was embarrassed and I loved how I could make him feel this way about me.

"Shush it princess, or I'll lock you away in my tower." He said, with a wink as he trailed his eyes over my outfit I loved how he looked at me in sent my body into a blaze.

"Oh my sweet prince, aren't you supposed to be saving me from the tower instead?" I said, giggling as I snuggled into his chest I noticed Rebecca standing there with the biggest smile on her face as she stood there taking pictures of us.

"We better leave before Bacon decides to demand a photo shoot." Eric whispered, I noticed Rebecca's face flare as he called her bacon and I HAD to here the reasoning behind that.

"It was ONE time Flower!" Rebecca exclaimed, I was giggling while Eric face went whiter then the t-shirt Rebecca was wearing.

"I wanted to be a florist! You fed Bacon to a ping!" He exclaimed, his face extremely red as I died of laughter at the way Rebecca teased my boyfriend...

You called him your boyfriend.

My laughter died in my throat as I realized I basically refereed to Eric as my boyfriend and we were just going on our first date night.

"Have fun Kira, you deserve it." Rebecca said, I noticed how she was talking to somebody on the phone.

"Have fun with Darrell." I said, her cheeks flushed as she ran to her car and sped off.

Eric and I got into his car, as we were on the road he looked so happy. He had placed his one hand in mine, even after everything I'd been through even with the wound healing on my body I still was happier than I had ever felt in my life.

"I like you allot Kira." Eric said, we stopped at a red light so close to the place he had booked us for dinner.

"I like you allot too Eric." I said, squeezing his hand to give him reassurance. I know we both had allot of past and there was so much we didn't know about each other, yet everything about this man thrilled me and made me want to better myself.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, cheeks red and tinted as the light was minutes from being green.

"There is nothing I'd want more than to be your girlfriend." I said, I squeezed his hand as he began to drive at the now green light with a giant smile on his face.

"I'm glad." He said,

We pulled into the restaurant, it was so beautiful yet fancy.  We walked into the place, I automatically felt okay being here, I knew I didn't belong but it was okay because I looked like I belong at his side and that was all that mattered to me.   People looked at us, waiters stopped with their mouths wide open like they were looking at the craziest new thing on social media.

"Can I help you Sir?" The women standing at the entrance asked, clearly checking him out.  She flaunted her beauty outwardly not hiding a fraction of her personality for mystery.

"Yes a table for 2 under the reservation Quinton" He said, I was confused his last name wasn't Mintson?

A/N (If Eric last name is different in any chapter PLEASE tell me where!)

"Eric Quinton, a pleasure to have you here again after so long." Said some old  guy in what I guessed to be his mid 60's coming from the back in a cooks outfit, I was surprised to know that Eric actually knew the chef of this restaurant. Eric had a bright smile as they did that weird business hug. You know the hug where your friends but your ego makes you unable to show true emotion in a business environment because of something on the lines of respecting each others image. Ya that...

To Be Continued....

A/N The chapter was getting really long, so I decided to cut it into 2 chapters.  So the next chapter will say Chapter 31- Date Night Part 2!! Keep a look out.

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Tata for now my kitties!!! ❤🐱

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