Chapter 12|Limo Sadness

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Word Count: 1222

Kira POV

I held onto Rebecca's arm as she guided me through my own darkness.  It was weird being out of the house since I was sold to Matt and it wasn't even that long ago, and I was already growing into a different person I was with my mother.

Thats when i remembered my inherirance, I was old enough to claim everything my father left me...i had to talk to somebody about that, I was sitting in the limo with Rebecca.  It was just me and her, Matt would be arriving later with his plus one which he will soon be regretting bringing.

"Rebecca I have a question?" I asked

"Yeah kira?" she replied

"Um my dad died when I was younger and he left me all his inheritance...I can claim it now do you think Matt would let me go back JUST to claim it and face the bad?" I asked Rebecca

"If he doesn't sweetheart I will take you, we all need to close off a old part of our lives eventually" said Rebecca

"I was sold to him, I know i can't tell anybody about it but how would I go about proving I left on my own?" I asked

"No worries, if it does come down to proving you left on your own accord you got me and I'm a pretty good actor" said rebecca and I swear I could feel her happiness, I knew she'd keep me here no matter how much of a dickwad her brother was.

"How did u ever deal with your other brother?" I asked out of the blue, I hadn't talked about him since after what he tried to do to me.

"He's not my brother, any man who thinks rape is the answer is not a fucking man but a sick and twisted individual who belongs behind bars" Rebecca snarled and I could feel pain behind the words she said.

"Becca..." I used the nickname I usually call her when were alone

"i'm okay girl, just some people are better keeped burried" she said

"He tried with you didn't he?" I asked her, I heard her sigh it was that shakey type of sigh that you have when you're trying so hard not to cry.

"I was adopted into the family when I was 16, I was shy and insecure and black not many people likes me because of my skin tone but Matts family accepted me like nothing and I was happy, matt was 18 at the time and he treated me like his little sister and hated when boys made me feel ugly or different he beat up allot of people during the summer because of the sick jokes people made about us just because we werent biologically related" Rebecca said you could hear how much she admired Matt as her older brother

"Then what happened?" I asked

"Then I met brian, he was 2 years older than Matt the big 20 years old and he scared me,  but everyone expected me to accept him as my older brother but NO brother should ever look at a sister like he did me, it started with touching that he said was an accident to him sneaking into my bedroom and doing MORE than just touching" she said and I managed to grab her hand I new exactly what she ment

"You should've told Matt" I said

"I couldn't because I was afraid nobody would believe me I'm 23 Kira and I'm still afriad to go to bed at night" she said sniffling, I could tell she wanted to cry

"I understand the fear Becca, my step dad was my monster in the dark and all i ever see is darkness" I said and I heard her gasp

"You were too?" I knew she couldn't bare to say the rape word when it came to herself

"16 just like you except my mom knew and let it continue" I said with sad smile I felt her hug me and I returned her friendly embrace

"You're my best friend Kira, regardless to the fact you're younger than me" she said and I could hear the honesty in her voice

"You're my first and only friend I've ever been honored to meet" I replied and i felt her smile, I don't know why but I could usually feel a persons presence shift...maybe its just cause I'm blind.

"Good, now lets stop being sad so I can fix my makeup" said rebecca releasing me

"Okay, but you should still tell Matt becca" I said and I heard her sigh

"When he smartens up I will" she replied and I knew it was a promise, she didn't have too because I know deep inside we want somebody that loves us to believe in us.  My mother didn't believe in me when she saw the bruising and new what he was doing go me behind her back, she ignored it because I was defective and not what she wanted but she had to keep me.

I knew what is was like to never be believed in when it came to the ones we loved...but at the end of the day you need that warmth and hug to keep you going.  Rebecca has been dealing with the fear of the dark and the nightmares of a boy who was supposed to be her brother, just like I delt with the nightmares of a man who was supposed to step up to the plate and be a dad but instead his hands became the weapons and I was the target.

Fear never goes away, overtime you learn how to forget how it felt when you were so scared and not even hiding under the bed could save you, sometimes you find somebody to rest your head on and confind in even when you have to pretend everything is okay.  Then there are girls like me and Rebecca who the fear of telling overrid us because all we ever wanted was our family to accept us, because you were afraid of the words and judgement and you didn't want to be see as a victim or see the eyes filled with disgust.

Some days its better to hide the fear away inside and swallow that look in your eyes that you don't want too see.

"You're strong Rebecca" I said to her

"I may be strong Kira, but you are a warrior" and I actually believed her when she said that.

"Ma'am we have arrived" said a voice through the intercom, thats what Rebecca called it at least which caused me to jump.

"Goody let the hell begin" said Rebecca with a evil chuckle

"Have I told you i love you?" i said with a small chuckle, i was growing bolder every day and Rebecca loved that I was growing a back bone

"I love you too bitch" she said getting out of the car and handing me my blind cane I had been learning too use for the past week,  I probably should've mentioned it earlier...but to be honest I hated the thing.

"Rebecca! Kira!" yelled Matts mom, I could here the worry in her voice

Here goes nothing.

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Tata for now my kitties ❤😺

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