Chapter 22| Nightmare Of An Ex

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Kira POV

It felt like body was frozen, you know like during the beginning of winter and your body is so use to the warm weather, that the moment you feel that cold breeze of winter nipping at your fingertips sending this wave of numbness that washes through you, that was how I felt.

Everything was dark, my head felt like it had been hit with a brick and I couldn't focus on the surrounding things.

“I told you NOT to kill anybody till I got here!” Yelled Cecilla, I felt myself groan and her eyes snapped to me.

“Oh look here is the whore who slept with my ex.” she snarled,

I didn't like this girl, I didn't like her when I was blind and I sure in the hell don't like her now that I can see what she actually looks like.  But when my eyes focused man, it was like I was looking at the fucking dead.  She had dark black circles under her eyes, her makeup looked like it had been dripping down her face then had a fresh layer placed on top making her look like a clown.

She was skinny, not the natural body she had when she left that night.  I realized Naomi and I had to be gone for days or even weeks for her to be able to become like that.  I felt sick as her odor hit me like a tone of bricks, she smelled like she bathed in Matt's cologne for days.

She giggled like a mad woman, her eyes were so sinister and angry.  She hated ME for something I knew I would regret one day and this was my fucking punishment for allowing him to sleep with me, she was absolutely crazy without him and it showed deeply.

“Why?” I gasped out, she chuckled.

“Matt is a good man, he wouldn't have cheated on me without reason.” She growled, and I flinched.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered, as she placed her hand on my wound and pushed down.

"So you admit your a slut? You admit that you suduced him!" She screamed, got it hurt so bad and my brain was swirling with how forceful her hand was on my wound.

"He was drunk, I allowed him! I love him just like you do! Is that wrong?!" I screamed, and the words flew out of my mouth like lava burning my throat as she looked at me with evil eyes.

"He's mine, he will NEVER love you!" She screamed, there was blood on her hands as she begun to pull out her hair, spreading the blood like hair dye. 

Suddenly Markis burst through the doors looked furious, he pulled on his sisters arm looking at the damage she had done to me and yelled at her.

“Wait? What connection does she have with Matt sis!” Markis said, what the hell did she tell him to get him to kidnap me in the first place.

“He bought her to marry apparently, she's just some slut.” Growled Cecelia, Markis glared at her.

“That's why? You fucking told me she stole money from him and took advantage of Matt NOT that they were engaged! How are we related you bitch!?” Yelled Markis, slapping his sister across the face I felt my face fall, I felt sick and cold.

“You douche bag! Why do you care!” yelled Cecilia,

“He's the only fucking reason why I still am alive! Unlike you sister things are fucking handed to me!” He yelled, and she gasped like he offended her or something.

“Says the emo freak with magical powers who likes to kidnap his sister!!!.” She yelled, then she started to shake... I could hear herself mutter sorry but it was too late...Markis looked livid.

“Lets Play.” His voice whispered, it was dark and cold...the air shook and his sister looked like a ghost.  The way he looked at her was like being blind, his eyes were so cold and empty looking at her and it was HARD to believe that he was only 15 years old. 

“You Fear Betrayal, Being Unloved, Being Uncared for...that's so pathetic feel it sister...feel it all.” He whispered, she began to twist in uncomfort and pain like her mind was shriveling up in absolute torture by the words he spoke, all her fears seemed to play out behind her eyes, and she was screaming loudly.

“MARKIS! STOP!” Naomi's voice exploded through the room, I saw her standing at the door staring a Markis with sad eyes.  She had seen this before and I also felt the fear that had melted into the room with every step she took towards him.  His sister was silent, the effect Markis had on her was distant when Naomi walked into the room and looked at him.

Markis WAS in love with her, but he was dangerous and Naomi knew that.  She knew how dangerous his powers were and how much harm he could do, yet she still cared.  She was only 13, and she was holding her hand out to a boy who had more troubles than either of them even understood yet.

“You need to calm down.” Naomi whispered, placing her hand on his face, and he relaxed the power faded from the room.

“I'm sorry...” Markis began to say, but Naomi silenced him.

“Let us go.” Naomi said, Markis nodded and agreed.

“Okay.” He replied, he was entranced with her.

“You have to stop kidnapping me.” Naomi said, my eyes widened was this a normal thing for her?

“You know I can't.” He sighed, he seemed uncomfortable.

“I know.” She replied, leaving him in his own misery.  All I realized is that maybe we weren't in much danger after all and maybe Naomi realized that because she was never really scared to begin with...but why didn't she tell me he would let her go? Why did she stay knowing we could both die because of his sister.

“He had to listen to his sister.” Naomi said, like she read my thoughts.

“Oh.” I said, she nodded but there was deeper words behind her eyes.  Maybe one day she'll own up more than she did.  She was too mature, given up her whole childhood to her gift and to a boy who clearly had so many problems.  What was in store for Naomi?

But then I thought about myself, how can I get through this knowing my heart now was in love with a man who didn't care.  Did he even bother to look for me? Or did he know I was kidnapped with his sister and didn't bother to look?

Would the marriage I was bought into be a happy one or filled with sadness and unhappy thoughts.

In a way I don't want to find out.

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Ta-Ta for now my kitties ❤

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