Chapter 24| Hazel Eyes

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Picture of Angel ^

Word Count: 1552

Kira POV

He wouldn't let me stay, he demanded I came back with him making such a scene saying he didn't waste money on something he couldn't claim as his.

I realized how much I didn't truly love him, it was like actually being able to see the things surrounding the man I use to claim was my sunshine behind the darkness when I was blind, it turned out to be something unlike anything I ever saw before know that I have my eye sit. He was cold, dirty, rude and he walked with too much power that everything in his path wilted into a cold daze.

Every colour that looked like a rainbow on him now looked like a flower that somebody forgot to water wilted and the end I realized there was no emotion held inside him and if there was it was held back by the sad overpowering ego that overtook his lifestyle.

We arrived at his mansion, I got out limping not even bothering stop for his help. I rather have died then to depend on him again after all he had put me through, Naomi had went back to her school with a bright smile on her face and a phone number from me since Rebecca had gave me a cell phone against Matt's wishes but he gave in after she bitched him out saying if I was FORCED to stay here against my will than I deserved to have some way to communicate with the world outside and he agreed. I promised Naomi if she needed somebody to talk to about anything, I'd be here to listen even if I didn't have allot of experience with life I had enough to care about her and she hugged me and then left I felt sadness when she left but it was okay since I had my own hell to deal with.

"Hurry Up!" I said, feeling pressure on my side from the wound.

"Shut up." he said, I gave him the finger as he unlocked the door, and he gave me a surprised glance.

"You don't own me any more, since you bought your new wife so don't expect me to be obedient." I said, I was only staying here since he put up a giant war about how he bought me, which Rebecca cleared up that since he bought somebody else he didn't own me and the money he spent to buy me meant nothing, he was actually RESPONSIBLE for my future and helping me get settled back into the real world not like he was going to do that any time soon. He had allot of growing up too do before he could help anybody take care of themselves, since he couldn't even help himself

I was too injured to put up a fight, so I just went with him. As soon as the door opened there was pitter patter of light footing running down the hall, then out of no where a blond girl about my height came out of no where piercing me with her pale hazel eyes and innocent glare as she looked at me in this is who he wanted instead.

"Angel, why are you out of your room?" Matt said, his voice melting into butter as he walked up too her she threw herself into an embrace and pushed her head into his chest like a child being separated from their favourite toy. I felt uncomfortable, he seemed to enjoy her company so much with the delicate smile that danced on her lips and was her name legit angel? Could this world be any more cruel.

She was something, I could never be...Innocent, Delicate, Perfect.

"Is my room the same?" I asked, Matt's cold face turned to me nodded and I limped myself away from the scene...even though I managed to realize my love for him wasn't still hurt to see him want somebody else and not you when he didn't even try.

Was I even worth love?.

The room was beautiful, like I remembered from the description he gave me in the beginning but it wasn't my home. This wasn't my place any more, and I truly wanted a better life than he offered me. After about 20 minutes, I grew hungry and decided to go find myself food regardless of the pain emitting from my side.

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