Chapter 2|The Unknown

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What they had her wear ^

Word Count: 1211

Kira POV

You know that feeling you get when your forced to try something new. That moment in your life when you can't avoid the inevitable.

You know that moment you have to do a presentation in front of your class and every one is staring at you. You feel your throat go dry and your begging for a glass of water, your brain is numb and you start mumbling the important fact for the project that is worth half your grade.

I know that has no relevance to my current situation but you get the picture. It felt like that in the back of this trunk, that smelled of gasoline. The smell stung my nose and burned my lungs but I prevailed even though I was surrounded by darkness.

It was funny, push the blind girl in the trunk so she cannot see. Yet I couldn't see my surroundings anyway just touch and understand how to get from A-B but even now I'm outside my domain. I don't have any landmarks like a table or a lamp to help guide me to a safe place because I was ripped away from that and kidnapped by 2 men who believed that I belonged somewhere else just to be given to somebody who would use me in the worst ways.

I felt the car stop and it sent me rolling to the front of the trunk that made my hand hit the gasoline Jung that had been stinging my eyes the whole ride. Yet even though I felt my heart plummet to the bottom of my stomach, I still laid there perfectly still in hope that maybe they would forget about me or abandon me on the side of the road in hopes somebody would take me home. But that was just wishful thinking as the trunk opened and the same smell of cheep cologne stung my nose and I was forcefully removed from the only place I felt safe the whole ride.

I felt my feet drag as I was pushed through darkness, sharp turns i never felt before as we arrived to where they wanted me. I was pushed into a chair and I noticed a darker presence around me, I couldn't breath as the think smell of what I assumed to be a cigar for I only recognize the smell from when Rick when through the same stage of smoking like a damn chimney.

"Very pretty" said a cold, cracky voice which sounded like the one you get when your sick.

"She's blind sir" said the unknown voice, I guess Calvin found something better to do.

"Oh a sad development but I hope she sells Patrick or she won't have a very bright future" he snarled, making his point that if I didn't get sold for a good price I would end up in the bottom of a lake where nobody would be able to identify me at least I know my other kidnappers name is Patrick.

"Yes Mr.Drake" Patrick replied with a waved tone, that was laced with fear.

"Your name" I heard Mr.Drake say, I knew it was directed to me by the way his cigar invested breath was slowly invading my nostrils.

"Kira...Kira Mira Aldrich" I said adding my middle name just in case he killed me for being silence

"Mhmm" he said, the sound of a pen scratching on a piece of paper echoed through the room

"Age" he said

"17" I replied, I heard him scoff

"Birthday" I heard his teeth grit together like my life depended on my answer

"What is today?" I asked

"June 16th" he replied, with a dry laugh

"Tomorrow" I replied,

"June 17th? What year" he asked I could hear his patience running thin.

"99" i replied, I swear I felt him smirk

"Okay height and weight" he said tapping his pen

"5'5 I think and 175" I said and he finished writing

"Bra size?" He asked and I felt sick as I answered

"34C" I said

"Mhmm okay virgin?" He asked

"No, raped" I replied and his tongue clicked

"Mkay, take her to the area to be cleaned and dressed" Mr.Drake said and I was guided again through a long hallway, with too many turns which sent my mind through chaos

"Boss wants her ready for acution tonight" Patrick said leaving me in a room with so many different presence's that made me feel panicked

"Lets get her ready girls" said a female voice, who didn't sound much older than my own

"Gotta make her good enough" said another.

"Who are you" I asked

"It's better not to say #18, your name doesn't exist here anymore" Said a voice

"What does that mean" I asked

"I really hope you sell blind girl" was all she replied with as I felt them strip me and change me.

As I held the provocative​ clothing in my hands, as they flowed on my skin. I still felt naked as I held onto the girl in front of me as we walked to what I know knew as the stage. All I knew about the girl in front of me is that her number was 17 and that's all she would tell me while she powdered my face with makeup.

I felt millions of eyes on me, even though I was surrounded my darkness. I couldn't feel anything but fear as they listed off the girls that were probably lined up next me, the shouts of people screaming off the amount they were about to pay baffled me but I stayed silent.

They listed of me...but nobody said a thing. You could drop a pin in the room, even their breathing was silent. Nobody wanted me, that was clear. To much of a hassle to have a blind girl, but would it be? Would it be a big hassle if they knew me?

~ 6 weeks later ~

You know that moment when your life flashes in front of you, and your struck with no air. You can't breath and the only thing you can think of is that need to live for whatever reason. That was how I felt when I was graced with the wrath of Mr.Drake.

I thought rape was bad, but it's not. The 3 long strides of scars on my back from a leather belt showed me how much worst life could get and I was terrified of dying. I had ONE last auction and I was scared, if nobody bought me than the darkness I was already blessed with. Wouldn't be the only darkness I knew, because death would be the worst way to die.

I didn't want to end up in the bottom of a ditch or burnt to a crisp just because my eyes weren't there to see. Just because I couldn't guide my way around the world like everybody else could didn't mean I didn't deserve to live. I already knew his rath, I already heard the screams of a girl he already killed just because she lies about being a virgin, he was ruthless and scary.

I didn't want to die. But fate didn't seem to care about a blind girl like me.

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