Chapter 25|Little Miss Innocent

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Word Count: 1642

Kira POV

I dislike her, I don't even know why but I hate this girl.  She's so pretty, flawless even her body looks good in everything.  She even managed to make the sluttiest dress alive look innocent and that straight up pissed me off.

I wasn't jealous of their relationship, god forbid they can marry, fuck and have little babies.   I'm jealous of her for not knowing how perfect she is, and how lucky she is to be that pretty. I've always had to try hard for my looks, even when I was blind I wasn't the best looking in the world now with my site I can try harder but it doesn't always work.   I don't have major curves, my boobs are somewhat small and I just looked plain unless i fought to look good.

It was depressing, I felt unhappy by the time we got to the second part of shopping.  Angel was having the time of her life, and she often almost got lost but Rebecca managed to find her.

"I see your mood has fallen." Rebecca said, as we watched Angel try on a bunch of clothes she picked out.  She was shy but seemed to love shopping, and had a good taste in style which also pissed me off.

"I just don't like her." I muttered, hiding my body that I felt insecure in. It was like being back home all over again, she had to be so perfect.

"Your beautiful Kira, there's allot of things you have that she doesn't you'll find your prince charming I promise." Rebecca said, and her words hit home for me.

I did have things Angel didn't and I was proud of them, they didn't make me innocent but they made me strong and a warrior and I wouldn't let some innocent princeas take my pride away.  After about 3 hours we  finished shopping and headed back to Matt's house, Angel took her stuff and skipped into the house to go show Matt all her stuff.

According to Rebecca, Matt had a guest and I was trying to figure out who would want to be in Matt's company without needed to pull their eye balls out.  We walked inside, and I heard this deep chuckle that made my heart thump in my chest...what the fucking hell not this again go away heart your not welcome.

"Its nice to be home, I missed it here." the voice said, and my stomach fluttered.

I was NOT going in there.

"Come on Kira." Rebecca said, dragging my sore body with her towards the living room man why did you do this to me best friend, why you play me like this.

Haha you wanted to go

My voice taunted me, as we arrived in the living room there was a guy sitting beside Matt.  He was something else, attractive yet there was this bubbling excitement that flew off him in waves and I felt my cheeks warm.  He looked up, and his eyes were on me there was no missing how he looked at me or how his eyes trailed down my skin taking in every inch.

His eyes glowed, my heart pounded.

He got up, walked towards Rebecca but every step he took his eyes were locked onto mine and I felt as though the world was shaking.  My body felt like it was going through a earth quake, there were so many emotions running through my body when he looked at me but there wasn't a single look of disgust in his eyes and for some reason that sent happiness up my spin for once in my life a man had looked at me like something out of a fairytale book.

"Who might this be?" His voice, was smooth like butter and the untangling of his english accent sent pleasurable shivers up my spine.

"Who might this be?" His voice, was smooth like butter and the untangling of his english accent sent pleasurable shivers up my spine

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