Chapter 4|Nice?

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Kira POV

You know when you have a crush, and all you want to do is stare at them. You want to get to know everything about him/her and find out if they like you or not...

Its like that feeling yet, he's the man who bought me and the only person I've been actually able to see within the 18 years of my existence. Yeah my birthday was weeks ago, the day after my first auction. I sat in darkness surrounded by the quiet whispering girls trying to sleep on their floor mattresses, I sung myself happy birthday even though like all the other times my birthday didn't mean what I wished it did.

I was currently laying back in the car, Mr Mintson had put me in. I didn't feel comfortable calling the man who bought me by his first name but he seemed genuinely nice as long as I understood his power. I kept my eyes closed and my breathing steady to rest because I honest felt tired and scared of what my future held.

"How old are you?" Asked Mr.Mintson

"18" I said keeping my eyes shut, and my body relaxed.

"Good, when was your birthday" He asked again

"Um what day is it?" I asked

"July 23" he said

"It was 6 weeks ago" I sighed, it wasn't like my birthday was important anyway.

"Soo June 17th?" He said, and I nodded I heard him click his tongue

"Any important family?" He said all of a sudden, honestly I didn't want to go back even if he offered to let me go.

"Mother hates, brothers abused me, father's dead and my step dad raped me at night" I answered honestly with a dead tone,

It's that type of tone that you give to somebody to show that your broken. Not the type of broken that makes your heart hammer in your chest and your eyes poor out with tears, no not that type of broken. It's not the type of broken that makes you scream from rooftops at 3 am holding alcohol in your hand wishing that your life was over. No it was that type of pain that made you feel nothing, it was the cold hearted blank space that you couldn't feel anything for and that was what I felt right at this moment.

Nothing because they put me threw so much, and even though I was kidnapped, auctioned and struck with a belt. It wouldn't be any worst from what I would receive if I went back into my mother's care.

"Oh..." He replied, there was pity laced in his voice.

"No need to pity me, Mr.Mintson, I haven't felt anything towards it in years" I replied honestly.

"Why won't you call me Matt" he asked suddenly

"I don't feel comfortable calling the man who bought me for about 5 million dollars, anything but your last name it's appropriate since you hold my life in your powerful hands" it was a logical answer

"Just because I bought you, doesn't mean I'm going to treat you like a slave" He replied with a chuckle

"How will you treat me" I asked

"I guess, as aguest cause by law your mine but you'll have your own room and rules to follow which won't be to much of a hassle and you'll have to learn things for my type of life maybe even get a job and stuff like that to slowly pay me back" he said

Honestly I was okay with living with thin Man until I died. The first thing i ever saw in my life was this man's face and existence, I wasn't ready to throw it all away even if it meant fucking things up many times. Yes I was truly blind and whatever supernatural or scientific things this was I would take it.

I loved that I would ACTUALLY have a room, and rules well for me weren't that hard to follow. I learned really good and I understood pretty well how the world worked for itself but I guess adding more knowledge to this brain of mind wouldn't hurt. I wanted to learn how to cook but that wasn't something I was going to ask just yet.

But your probably wondering why I haven't told him, I could SEE him like physically. I just felt like there would be a time for that, just not yet since well he didn't trust me enough yet. Yes he was HANDSOME as fuck and I was probably going to fall in love with him but that's okay.

I knew he couldn't love me. There was something that told me if he could love anybody in the world, it would be a SPECIAL girl. His eyes looked locked up tight in his social status, I just knew that this man deserved somebody else. Something way more than I could offer.

Yet a girl can dream right? Hope a little that this handsome man could want a girl like me?

I soon felt the car or whatever come to a stop. It was a jolt and made me kinda fly forward, but it didn't hurt or anything. I felt Mr. Mintson or Matt get out of the car and then open mine not even 10 seconds later, grabbing my hand to lead me out.

He legit guided me up the stairs telling me the details of his mansion/house. Colors and everything I begged to see, but he really seemed to care as I listened intently. He guided me through the important places and let me feel around to get to know the place then he showed me my room

When he told me what it looked like, I started crying. I was full blown looking like a complete blind idiot, as he talked about the room he was letting me stay in, he described it as a fall designed room, but said that the designer fucked up the color scheme and this was the result he just didn't want to fix it.

  I was full blown looking like a complete blind idiot, as he talked about the room he was letting me stay in, he described it as a fall designed room, but said that the designer fucked up the color scheme and this was the result he just didn't wa...

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A/N Her Room OMG

But I honestly loved how he explained it, while he looked at ever detail with such seriousness. It made me ask myself why he never had fun with anything. My goal was to make him laugh, who knew how hard that would be.

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Tata for now ❤️

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