¶ Chapter Two ¶

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• Chapter Two - Solcitude •

"Urie! Brendon Urie!" The nurse with Tangled blonde hair and blue eyes yelled over the low muttering of the other awaiting patients.

Brendon stood up, and took a deep breath, his hands were shaking and he felt completely out of place. Hence he was the only man in the room, he was getting sneers and hush comments from disapproving women, but Brendon tried to ignore it. Obviously, his plans had failed as he felt a heavy rock find its place at the bottom of the ocean, that being his stomach.

Brendon walked over to the woman with a nervous smile.

She smiled back and gestured her hand over to the white door which was littered in cliché water bottle stickers. Despite his worry, he didn't get a dirty look from her.

"So, Brendon. I'm Penny your nurse, first we're gonna take your weight and height, then we'll go back to the room, get blood pressure and all that fun stuff, alright hun?" Penny asked with a kind smile.

Brendon nodded his head, taking his shoes off and stepping on the cold weight measurer. The numbers went up and stopped at 130 pounds.

"Perfect." Penny mumbled, writing the numbers down on the clipboard she held with her left hand, "Now, step here," she pointed to the wooden stick against the wall, "And put your feet all the way back, okay?"

Brendon nodded and did so, pushing his feet up against the wood all the wall, and looking straight out.

"Nifty, to the room we go." Penny said in a once again mumbled tone, as she was too focused on writing on the papers to really form a clear sentence. She looked up with a smile once done and took Brendon down the hall and to the room, where his fate would soon be changed forever.

Penny opened the door, flicking out the blue plastic thing on the door frame, giving notice to other doctors and patients that the room was occupied.

Penny walked in first, Brendon following shyly behind.

"Sit on the bed, please." Penny requested calmly, pointing at the surface that looked much like a hospital bed and a dentist seat combined. Despite Brendon being terrified of the dentist, he sat on the bed, his feet dangling and hitting the metal frame underneath the surface every few seconds.

Penny walked over to Brendon with a blood pressure arm strap, wrapping it around his upper left arm, then taking the pulse meter and clipping it on his middle finger. Maybe this woman didn't like Brendon after all.

The blood pressure arm strap tightened around his arm, Brendon trying his hardest not wince from the pain of the pressure.

Penny pulled out the thermometer, sticking on a clean plastic protector and putting it under Brendon's tongue.

"Alright, you seem to be pretty healthy!" Penny exclaimed, clasping her hands together, after taking all the medical items out and off of Brendon's body.

"Good." Brendon responded with a tight smile.

"I'll be right back, Brendon. I'm gonna go get you your hospital gown and Dr. Meg." Penny confirmed with a smile, leaving the room instantly after her words.

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