¶ Chapter Three ¶

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• Chapter Three - Melancholy •

"Bren, wake up." Spencer whispered softly as he shook Brendon's shoulder, Brendon's eyes fluttered open, he was still being held inside the bright serviced hospital.

"You're being discharged." Spencer said with his signature friendly smile, his hand still setting upon Brendon's bony shoulder.

"What? I'm not a girl, I don't have discharge!" Brendon whisper-shouted accusingly, causing Spencer to giggle.

"First of all, you are having a child, I would not be surprised if you had discharge. Second, you're stupid. I mean you're being released, sheesh." Spencer said, retracting his hand and stepping back.

"Oh," Brendon looked at his arm, seeing it no longer had a needle in the fold of his inner elbow. Happy with that information, he hopped out of bed.

Spencer passed Brendon his clothes from three days ago, Brendon gladly taking them and heading into the bathroom to slip out of the uncomfortable wrinkly hospital dress. Locking the door behind him, Brendon grabbed his skinny jeans and pulled them over his thin legs, then quickly pulling his Panic! At The Disco shirt on. Yes, he does where his own merch.

Stepping out of the recently cleaned bathroom, Brendon looked upon his best friend. Spencer's eyes were big and pleading, some may ask why Spencer was making that saddening face, but Brendon has known this man for 12 years now, "No, Spencer. I fucking told you no."

"Brendon." Spencer scolded.

"Nope. Fuck you." Brendon cursed towards the taller of the two.

"Brendon, if you don't fucking tell him, I will. I know it would somewhat break our bond, but I don't give a zillion shits. You're my best friend, but Ryan is my friend too, he deserves to fucking know that you; out of all the people in the world, are carrying his life form. What if you need him when the kid is growing up? Huh? Ryan wouldn't help because he would be to angry with you and himself. He'd start to drink and turn into his dad, you don't want him to do that! Do the right thing, Brendon! Usually, I respect your decisions, but today, fuck you. Tell Ryan, or I, fucking, will!" Spencer took a deep breath, he was heaving, he didn't tend to rant around Brendon, ever at that matter, but this situation had too much conflict for him to give up. He wanted his friends to be happy, he always has, but he felt this was the most important thing right now, even though Spencer wasn't for sure if he would be consistent in this little fetus' life. Spencer felt as if he needed to protect it, I mean it's like his two best friends in one, other then Jon of course, he just needed this relationship to be mended, like it should have been years upon years ago.

Brendon blinked a couple times, thinking about how that was the much he had heard Spencer say in a two minute time range, sighing, Brendon slipped his dirty worn out converse on his feet, "Fine, fine. You're right. I'll call him."


"Take a deep breath, Bren. Just press the call button, it's that easy." Spencer said softly.

"It's not, Spencer." Brendon snapped, he didn't mean to freak out, but his nerves got to him before his thoughts could.

"Okay, Bren. I know you guys haven't spoken in like, what? Eight years? But this needs to be done, I love you, and I'm here to support you. You can hold my hand if you need to. I'm right here." Spencer said, his voice just above a whisper, he knew this was a big deal. He was here from the beginning, he isn't planning on missing the end.

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