¶ Chapter Twelve ¶

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• Chapter Twelve - Diligence •

"Seriously, what do you see in me? I'm ugly and fat!" Brendon yelled out at his boyfriend, he was so frustrated with the way he looked in the mirror, today was the debut of the album, meaning Peter would be throwing a party for their band, and of course, Brendon wanted to look good, so that resulted to him trying to fit into his white suit, one of his favorites, but when after trying for thirty minutes straight just to button the pants was enough to have him here, crying while looking into the mirror with Ryan's hand on his back.

"Babe, you're not fat, it's the baby that's growing in your stomach that is making you feel that way." Ryan motivated, moving his soft hand in circles up against Brendon's bare back.

"Then this baby should have never been created." Brendon mumbled grumpily, then trying once again to button his pants, pulling both sides of the white fabric together as hard as he possibly could manage, but failing and flailing his arms out of anger.

"Hey, it's okay, how about you where something else?" Ryan suggested, walking into Brendon's walk in closet, his eyes skimming over the different colored suits and fancy jackets, Brendon wanted to look good, fine, Ryan will find something that he feels confident in, and fits him, this'll be easy, right?

Ryan pulled a silky red suit off the hanger pole, followed by a soft blue one, and a sparkly golden one, now to see which he fits in and likes best.

"Okay, How about these three?" Ryan suggested, holding the suits up from Brendon to see, Brendon's eyes lit up when his eyes landed on the blue suit.

"Actually, the blue suit was a little baggy, not enough for anyone to notice, but enough for me to fit in! you're so smart, Ry! Thank you!" Brendon exclaimed, scurrying over to Ryan, taking the white hanger and blue suit, and kissing Ryan on the cheek.

"Welcome, now go get you're butt changed, we gotta go soon." Ryan said as Brendon turned around, Ryan slapping his ass.

Ryan laughed as he walked further into the bedroom and grabbed his light pink suit, he had only worn it once or twice, so why not wear it for a big event, Ryan pulled off his sweat pants and pulled on the light pink pants, then enveloped his upper body in a white button down, sliding on the light pink jacket and tying the light pink tie. Ryan walked over to the mirror, okay, he looked good, Ryan smiled and took a deep breath, tonight was a big deal, a lot of talking with people he hasn't seen in forever, but that's alright, he had Brendon, and when he has Brendon all that worries him, fades away.

Brendon stepped out from the walk in closet, letting Ryan's feast upon him, Brendon looked amazingly gorgeous, Ryan took in a shaking breath, "Bren, you look amazing."

Brendon's eyes were full of passion as he looked Ryan up and down, "I could say the same to you."

Ryan smiled, it was astonishing how much this boy could do to him, "We, a, we should probably get going, before we get distracted." Ryan said in words just above a whisper.

"Yeah, good idea." Brendon agreed, heading out of the bedroom, and down the stairs, then walking straight out to the car, if they didn't go now, they would be late, and that's never good.

Ryan drove the car down the street and to the club that Pete arranged to be holding the party, a log line of people were cluttered down the street, but Ryan and Brendon knew they didn't have to wait, they just have to throw the bouncer their keys walk in, as Brendon got out, the line screamed out his name and yelled other words like "I love you." and "You're so sexy.", normal shit like that, but when Ryan stepped out the screams only got louder, people calling Ryan's name, mixing with "Ryden is real." and "I fucking love you guys.", Brendon shook his head with a smile, Ryan waving as they walked up to the bouncer, the bouncer instantly letting them inside.

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