¶ Chapter Fourteen ¶

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• Chapter Fourteen - Reflect •

Eight Months Later .

Needy cries erupted from the baby between Brendon and Ryan, it was most likely around four in the morning as Brendon slugged awake and picked the baby up, carrying her down the stairs and to the kitchen, filling a baby bottle with formula and filling it up with sink water, then tiredly put it into the microwave for one minute, Oliver's wails being heard all through out the house.

Brendon's eyelids trying to fall over his eyes, desperately, but the beep of the microwave causing his body to jump, only making the beautiful baby girl in his arms to cry louder and more constantly, "Hush, hush, baby." Brendon sighed as he opened the microwave and took the lukewarm bottle and putting it up to Oliver's mouth, her cries becoming a soft sucking sound as she reached to hold the bottle, Brendon knowing she wasn't strong enough to hold it by herself.

"See. Now you have food, you have to give Dad a break, sometimes. I'm trying." Brendon whispered sleepily, looking upon his gorgeous creation, Oliver had her father's eyes, a burning amber in the cold exploding with life, he saw so much in the child that she had gained from her father that Ryan never seemed to see, Ryan would point out how she seemed to have Brendon's smile, but he didn't exactly see it, whether who she looked more like Ryan or Brendon, she was beautiful and both of her dads knew that.

"You ready to go back to bed?" Brendon asked Oliver hopefully, as she moved her mouth away from the nipple of the bottle, taking that as a yes, Brendon head up the stairs, bringing along the bottle in case of another outburst, babies sure were stubborn.

Once reaching the bedroom, his eyes pondering in the dark room, trying to adjust to the change of shade, he slipped into bed with his sleeping boyfriend beside him, he made comfort with the feather like blanket, keeping it just below his armpit, to keep Oliver safe from the item.

Brendon took a deep breath, his eyelids covering his view of the world.


"Bren." Ryan ran his finger pads along Brendon's chilly shoulders, Brendon groaned and flung his forearm in front of his face, "C'mon baby."

Brendon shot up, sitting up all the way, eyes wide, "What about the baby?"

"No, Bren, I was calling you baby." Ryan said slowly, the fact that Brendon was so worried about the child was cute, but the fact that he was tormenting himself with barely any sleep and paranoia was not cute, it was terrifying and unhealthy.

"Oh, well, where's Oliver?" He asked, still obviously alarmed, looking in the spot in which Oliver typically would sleep.

"Brendon." Ryan put his hands on Brendon's shoulders, sliding them down to his elbows in a form to show affection, "She's with Spencer, downstairs."

"Oh, okay." Brendon stretched his arms over his head while letting out a yawn.

"I made you coffee." Ryan stated, handing a coffee mug full of light brown liquid to the raven haired boy.

"Thank you." Brendon thanked, taking the coffee mug in his right hand and pecking Ryan on the lips as a hello.

"So, I was thinking, maybe we could have Jon and Spence watch our little Olive while we go out to dinner tonight, thoughts?" Ryan inquired as he held his own coffee mug to his lips.

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