¶ Chapter Six ¶

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• Chapter Six - Demitasse  •

Not now, no, come on. Brendon didn't want to get up every other hour because he had to pee, he was tired of getting out of his bed to walk to the bathroom, to then go back to bed, then get up and go again. This shit was annoying. Brendon assumed it was morning by now, considering the light that was peaking out through  his silky white curtains. He could only imagine that once he did go pee, the baby inside him would urge him to throw up. He was tired of this already and he's only, what? Two months in? Maybe three? Throwing up every other morning became a scheduled thing, almost made him miss the days when he would throw up after drinking too much.

Brendon let out an exaggerated groan as he threw the covers to the side and pushed himself out of bed. His feet slapping against the old wooden floor as he thought; bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, pregnancy was and is bullshit, a whole pile of cow shit.

Brendon opened the bathroom door, aggressively, and pulled his dick out to pee. Goddamn kids. He couldn't believe this is what he had signed up for, especially since it's Ryan's.

"Ryan's damn child." Brendon mumbled as he tucked his length in his pants and washed his hands without soap.

Hopefully, today he wouldn't puke.

Brendon began to head back to his bed, but heard the door open.

"Bren? You home?" Of course, Ryan decides to show up when Brendon wanted to sleep, ignoring the older man that had just entered his house, Brendon flopped into his bed, covering himself with his red comforter. The comforter smelt like Spencer's laundry soap, Brendon had washed his bed covers, blankets, and pillows at Spencer's house a few days earlier. Why Spencer's? Well, knowing Pete and Patrick, they probably fucked everywhere in his house, why they don't fuck in their own house was beyond him.

"Brenny!" Ryan called, his voice sweet like syrup.

Brendon only pulled the covers over his head further, why did he think getting pregnant would solve his problems?

Ryan walked into Brendon's room, sitting right next to Brendon's stomach, facing the tired man, "Hey, what's wrong?" Ryan asked, worry filling his voice, but not enough for Brendon's tired body to tell.

Brendon rolled over, pulling the blankets off from over his head and looking at Ryan, blinking slowly, then taking a deep breath, "You can have the child, I will be moving to Mexico and changing my name, this child is a pain in my fucking ass."

Ryan laughed, "Well, not yet, but it will be pretty soon."

Brendon didn't want to smile at Ryan's joke, but he failed in stopping his mouth from shaping up, "I hate you." Brendon scoffed, pulling the comforter over his head once again, but being stopped from doing so as Ryan pulled the comforter down.

"Do you want coffee?" Ryan asked, his hand gripping the comforter lightly.

Brendon bit his bottom lip, in attempt to hide his smile that was dying to show, "Yes please."

Ryan smiled softly, "Good, what type of creamer do you want? I bought Reece's, French Vanilla, Hazelnut, and York flavored."

Brendon looked down at the heavy blanket, picking at the seams that were separating from the over used item, "Surprise me, they all sound good."

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