"A Trip To The Antivoid..?" Chapter Twenty(Drawing By Me)

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Third Person

           ERROR laid sprawled out on the floor in front of a door. Ink had stayed in the bedroom for another day, refusing to let ERROR in even though he could just teleport inside the bedroom. He groaned, listening to the shuffling from inside the bedroom. "I-I-i-nK-Ky!!" ERROR groaned, turning his head to face the other side as he sighed deeply. He got no response. "IIIIIIIIIIIInkyyyyyyyy!" He moaned louder than before, glaring at the door. Loud shuffling was heard as there was scratching, making ERROR's eye sockets widen as a small cat-like smile formed on his face. He put his arms under his chin and watched the door, eye sockets still wide. He deadpanned when he saw a little yellow slip of paper slide from under the door. He sat up crisscrossed and grabbed the note to read it.


           Oh that asshole. "H-Hey,_use_words,_f-ool." ERROR grunted, waiting for another note.


           He threw his arms up, frowning deeply and crumpling up the note. "Fine!_Stay_mad_a-at_m-me,_I-I_don't_care," He scoffed, walking away. Giggling sounded from Ink as he layed down, sighing happily as he stared up at the ceiling. He started to cough lightly, crawling over to the door and knocking on it. He knocked again, wanting to hear ERROR knock back. He didn't. Ink wined, sitting up on his knees and glaring down at the bottom of the door. Why did he have to lie..? A groan vibrated in his mouth as he layed down, holding his face in his hands. He really wanted to hangout with ERROR, but he couldn't really trust him now. After what he's done. He fucking stole Ink's brush! Now what was he supposed to do with his life?! Never teleport again and stay in this damned house unable to create anything? Yeah right, like he'd deal with that trash of a life. Never. Suddenly ink had the urge for water. Great, just when he decided he wanted to stay in his bedroom to ignore ERROR and avoid him. Buuuut his 'throat' hurt, so he had to leave for water or something. Reluctantly Ink opened the door and creeped into the kitchen, looking around suspiciously for ERROR. Perfect! He didn't seem to be in the house. Loosening up Ink happily skipped to the kitchen sink with a glass, humming tune and singing faintly as he got water.

           "If you left me in your heart, we would never be apart~," He whispered, humming the rest of the song and thinking the water. This one was actually his favorite song of all - Love Me.. Love me by Arsenium. 'ERROR probably wouldn't like it.' Ink thought, pouting. This gave him a great idea. He could blast the song on the speakers in the livingroom. It was a great plan for vengeance! Ink giggled evilly, coughing and setting the glass down upside down as to dry it out. That's how he cleaned dishes. Walking into the livingroom he looked around; not seeing ERROR he took out his phone and connected it to the Bluetooth speakers near the ceiling, playing the one and soon putting the music to a high volume.

           "U-U-U-U-UGH-GH-H-HHH!!! W-W-W-HA-T-T I-IS_T-T-HA-A-AT T-TR-TRA-AS-SH?!?" ERROR shouted from somewhere in the house, making Ink sprint into his bedroom quickly and lock himself in. He still had his phone, so ERROR wouldn't be able to turn the music off. Thumps sounded from downstairs along with groans, then stomps on the stairs. "I-Ink!!_W-Was_this_y-your_doing?!_Turn_t-this_shit_off!!!" ERROR yelled, making Ink jump and laugh hysterically.

           "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! NO, this is vengeance!"


           "Lying to me," Ink laughed more, sobering up some. "If you want me to turn this so called trash," Ink made air quotes with his hands behind the door in the bedroom. "off, you have to earn it." He crossed his arms, sitting down and raising a brow at ERROR through the door. It was a pointless look at ERROR, for he couldn't even see it. But ERROR knew it was there, he had gotten to know ink all too well during their time spent together.

No Empty Promises [Ink X Error] FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now